9 years ago
What are the best Akbar lead Arena team constructions?
I've got Akbar, Lando, and Han 7* G8 and looking to complete the Rebel team for Arena. Both HRS and Leia are leveling up fast but I also have a maxed out Rey which means I'd run three attackers and only one not so beefy tank in ST Han to protect them all.
So I'm asking for some ideas. What are the most effective Akbar lead arena teams? I've seen Akbar/Leia teams run well but I think the TM gains of the Akbar/Han/HRS combo is really fun to watch. In fact my GW team is those three, Rey, and Phasma. (So much TM.)
Alternatively what if I went no tank and all speed+damage with Akbar/Leia/HRS/Rey/Lando? Is that even viable in arena?
Let me know what you've seen works best.
So I'm asking for some ideas. What are the most effective Akbar lead arena teams? I've seen Akbar/Leia teams run well but I think the TM gains of the Akbar/Han/HRS combo is really fun to watch. In fact my GW team is those three, Rey, and Phasma. (So much TM.)
Alternatively what if I went no tank and all speed+damage with Akbar/Leia/HRS/Rey/Lando? Is that even viable in arena?
Let me know what you've seen works best.