Forum Discussion

sunsh9ne1471's avatar
9 years ago

What's the best use of guild currency?

So my current PvP squad is HK L, GS, Poggle, 86, and 88. All 7* lvl 79 g8, minus GS who is g10 and 88 who is g9. I'm wondering if it would be a better use of my guild currency to start going after JE shards, or continue to upgrade my current squad's gear. Any thoughts??

3 Replies

  • Yes. Get JE and swap him in for poggle. He is viable at 4*, G8. For the amount of guild currency you need to buy 50 salvage items, you can buy more than 200 shards. Get your JE to 5 or 6 stars before reconsidering buying gear. You can make an exception if you are close to completing an important part.

    Also you might want to consider replacing GS with either a taunter or IG-100. With JE in your squad GS will be your slowest toon.
  • thanks! I have st han at 7*, lvl 76 so I'm thinking that would be a good sub for GS. will be sad to see GS go though haha
  • Max Rey or in your case, max JE. Both options are viable, personally I am going after Rey because she belongs to my Arena team and is 21 shards away from being maxed out.