5 years ago
Where to go next?
I am fairly new (2 months of playing) and decided to buy the HD-bundle. At the moment I am finishing my phoenix squad (just some shards for hera are missing) to unlock Palpatine and Thrawn at 7*. My goal is to build up my Empire-squad to gear 10 and zeta Palpatines leader-ability to stay competitiv in the squad arena for a while.
Now I am asking myself where to go from there. I think there are two routes but I would like you to comment on my thoughts.
Firstly I could rush to Jedi-Knight Revan, but because of the hard-note farming for Bastila, Jolee and Zaalbar it's still a while to unlook JKR at 7*.
The other route would be to still farm for JKR, but to a lesser extend and to try to unlook some other legendary characters in the meantime. This would include R2-D2, GMY, CLS and maybe even Chewie.
R2-D2 is easy with my Empire squad.
For GMY I would need to farm Old Ben before Mission Vao an T3-M4 in the cantina. Then I could form a nice Jedi-squad with Bastila, Ezra, Kanan, Old Ben and Ahsoka Tano (already at 6*) to unlock GMY at 7*. With this team I could maybe even climb a litte bit more in the squad arena to reach top200. At the moment I can barely make it to the top300 but then I am hitting a wall and cant win against all of the Bastila teams.
From the Squad-Arena-Store I could buy shards for ST-Han and Leia and also farm Farmboy Luke to unlock CLS after that.
And while all this farming is happening I am slowly working on my Scoundrels (Boba Fett, Greedo, IG-88, Cad-Bane, ST-Han and Bossk) to unlock Chewie at the end and unlock Hounds Tooth to reach top10 in the Fleet Arena (atm top20)
I guess this would slow me down around 40 days or so to unlock JKR, but maybe I am absolutely wrong on that. And I would have so much characters but no gear to rank them up properly to be useful)
So I would really like your opinions on that. Thanks in advance and please excuse my english grammer. It's not my native language.
I am fairly new (2 months of playing) and decided to buy the HD-bundle. At the moment I am finishing my phoenix squad (just some shards for hera are missing) to unlock Palpatine and Thrawn at 7*. My goal is to build up my Empire-squad to gear 10 and zeta Palpatines leader-ability to stay competitiv in the squad arena for a while.
Now I am asking myself where to go from there. I think there are two routes but I would like you to comment on my thoughts.
Firstly I could rush to Jedi-Knight Revan, but because of the hard-note farming for Bastila, Jolee and Zaalbar it's still a while to unlook JKR at 7*.
The other route would be to still farm for JKR, but to a lesser extend and to try to unlook some other legendary characters in the meantime. This would include R2-D2, GMY, CLS and maybe even Chewie.
R2-D2 is easy with my Empire squad.
For GMY I would need to farm Old Ben before Mission Vao an T3-M4 in the cantina. Then I could form a nice Jedi-squad with Bastila, Ezra, Kanan, Old Ben and Ahsoka Tano (already at 6*) to unlock GMY at 7*. With this team I could maybe even climb a litte bit more in the squad arena to reach top200. At the moment I can barely make it to the top300 but then I am hitting a wall and cant win against all of the Bastila teams.
From the Squad-Arena-Store I could buy shards for ST-Han and Leia and also farm Farmboy Luke to unlock CLS after that.
And while all this farming is happening I am slowly working on my Scoundrels (Boba Fett, Greedo, IG-88, Cad-Bane, ST-Han and Bossk) to unlock Chewie at the end and unlock Hounds Tooth to reach top10 in the Fleet Arena (atm top20)
I guess this would slow me down around 40 days or so to unlock JKR, but maybe I am absolutely wrong on that. And I would have so much characters but no gear to rank them up properly to be useful)
So I would really like your opinions on that. Thanks in advance and please excuse my english grammer. It's not my native language.