Forum Discussion

deXxterlab97's avatar
New Spectator
8 years ago

Which Jedi to farm

I made a mistake a while ago farming Eeth Koth 5 stars. I just got a 5 star Yoda recently, farming Qui Gon Jin to 5 stars as well

How useful is Yoda. If I were to put him in my Jedi squad who should be replaced

Mace Windu 7 stars
Luninari 6 stars
Jedi Councelar 6 stars
Ahsoka Tano 6 stars
Eeth Koth/Qui Gon Jin (4 stars atm)

How often does Yoda event reappear? I opened a pack recently and got 50/85 eeth koth (never wanted to) so should I farm him to 6 stars just for the sake of completing Yoda challenge and get Yoda to 6 stars? Farming Eeth Koth would be easier than QGJ since I get 400 arena currency everyday while if I sim all my cantina energies I get 100-200 cantina for QGJ. There's ongoing Yoda challenge now but I wont able to get either of Eerh Koth or QGJ to 6 stars in time.

5 Replies

  • Yoda comes back every other month. He rotates with Emperor Palp.
    QGJ is an actual useful toon in the game, he helps with turn meter reduction in Rancor, and is the best jedi lead when zeta'd. If your only purpose is to get yoda, just take the easy path.

    Yoda however is only useful in some situations, and is around the 5th or 6th best jedi behind GK, Ezra, JKA, QGJ, and Aayla.
  • Anakin, Ezra, Qui Gon, Aayla, Barriss are the best jedi farmable outside of Events and Raids, Ima Gun Di used to be useful in Tank Raid as well until better teams were found.

    Ezra also helps with getting Yoda, Thrawn and, Palpatine. Kanan also helps with these.
    Old Ben I would recommend because he's good for getting Palpatine, Yoda and, CLS once their events come back however Im not sure if he's good for Arena or Raids.
  • "banjo1071;c-1231883" wrote:
    Imho QGJ (TMR, speedlead, assist, dispel, easy gear, decent damage) is the much, much better choice! And is useful in many situations. Whereas EK only seves one purpose: Yodafarming...

    Yoda is also very good, and: he is yoda! He reappears every once i a while, like 3-4 months..

    Yes I know EK is crap. Should I replace Jedi Councelar with Yoda? Feels like he doesn't have much abilities
    "Liamtbqh;c-1231891" wrote:
    Anakin, Ezra, Qui Gon, Aayla, Barriss are the best jedi farmable outside of Events and Raids, Ima Gun Di used to be useful in Tank Raid as well until better teams were found.

    Ezra also helps with getting Yoda, Thrawn and, Palpatine. Kanan also helps with these.
    Old Ben I would recommend because he's good for getting Palpatine, Yoda and, CLS once their events come back however Im not sure if he's good for Arena or Raids.

    I would stick to what I already have rather than farming new characters from scratch

    I am about to get Old Ben but not sure who to replace

    "Drazz127;c-1231887" wrote:
    Yoda comes back every other month. He rotates with Emperor Palp.
    QGJ is an actual useful toon in the game, he helps with turn meter reduction in Rancor, and is the best jedi lead when zeta'd. If your only purpose is to get yoda, just take the easy path.

    Yoda however is only useful in some situations, and is around the 5th or 6th best jedi behind GK, Ezra, JKA, QGJ, and Aayla.

    I think 1 month is enough for me to get WGJ to 6 stars. Let's hope so.
  • Best Jedi team would be;
    Qui gon lead (obviously)
    General Kenobi
    But as for the Yoda event. Literally any 5 Jedi can do it at g8 and any leveled mods
  • In no particular order, these are really the only useable Jedi end game: Aayla, Barriss, Ezra, General Kenobi, Anakin, Old Ben, Qui-Gon Jin, Yoda. They all have uses in either Raid(s) or Arena.

    Others to farm, who are less useful, are Kanan, Jedi Consular, Ahsoka (NOT Fulcrum), and Mace. Kanan is needed to go after Thrawn, and the other three only have uses as pilots. Kanan is used as a pilot as well, but I do not currently use his ship, so whether or not it is useful, I cannot attest to.