Forum Discussion

sainte5's avatar
8 years ago

Why do people feel entitled to every character?

This is a serious question. You see a lot of ire here on the forums about people complaining that they don't have advance notice and that they "deserve" to know what will be required to unlock characters months in advance of their release (Luke, anyone? Thrawn?).

Listen, I'm F2P. I didn't get Thrawn on either of my accounts. I don't have a 7* R2. I didn't get 7* Palpatine the first time around. I literally JUST got Yoda to 7*...and you know what?

It's okay.

You don't have to get legendary characters the first time around, and nobody is obligating you to spend money to do so. While they are powerful, none of them are game-breaking or prevent you from doing things in this game you couldn't otherwise do.

I will have Phoenix 7* for when Thrawn returns, and I will have my TFP to 7* when R2 returns. It's okay to have to set goals and work to achieve those goals, and not be handed everything.

I have played a ton of mobile games (Dragon Age, Brave Frontier, FFBE, FFRK, etc.) and SWGOH is BY FAR the most forgiving in terms of attaining "legendary" content, and doesn't rely on gacha packs for you to get what you want.

If you want Thrawn, it's okay to have to work for him. Would you prefer they just put him in a limited-time pack with a 1% chance of unlocking, and a 99% chance of Mob Enforcer shards? Because that's how MOST games would do it.

EA/CG almost always gives you a way to pay to get what you want as well. If you REALLY wanted a 7* Thrawn, you could whale away and buy the shards if you were ill-prepared, just like you will undoubtedly be able to do with the new Luke or upcoming Ewok content.

I am legitimately curious as to why people think it is "unfair" of a game developer to not give everything to you without paying.

We (players) are Lando. They are Darth Vader. And guess what? It's okay.

  • "Jedi_Reach_;c-1168931" wrote:
    "Crazylazyguy;c-1168918" wrote:
    What I don't get is, why do people think that "Oh but I paid so I want this, this, this and this". You didn't pay for the game. You paid for in-game currency which isn't even a requirement. I will 100% agree with you wanting more for your money, but only if the game is a BF2 or CS:GO type of game. Where you spend the money without playing the game first and then deciding if you like it and if you wish to continue spending. In that case you have all the rights to complain about bugs and whatnot. But being able to test it out first. Seeing if you like it, THEN paying, hell no. You had plenty of time to decide whether you want to spend on the game or not.

    There are quite a lot of people who do it. You're not more special than them, to come here and start writing things like "Yeah so I am paying and it's thanks to me that this game is still running, now wash my feet you filthy f2p".

    Just want to say for the record, in case anyone is still thinking whales are the tyrant overlords, that's not true at all. Whaling in this game is totally optional and gives a momentary advantage at best. I'm of the opinion whales are treated poorly in this game compared to games like this:

    In the past, they had a 'VIP' service for whales. Of course they took that down now since it was a bit too much favoritism for spenders. All things considered, F2P players in this game have it very good. More than they appreciate tbh.

    You missed my entire point. I am all for p2w players. I've got nothing against them. I am not the one deciding whether they should spend money or not, it's their own decision and if they want to, they can do it. I don't even care if a whale is blocking my way in arena or gw, because THIS game is made for everyone to be equal. The only advantage they have is having newer toons at a higher level sooner. This isn't game breaking.

    The problem I have is that SOME not all, p2p players feel entitled that all of their whims should be met, and the thing is, they didn't pay for the game. They could've uninstalled it the moment they opened, checked and disliked it and they wouldn't have lost anything. It's not the same as paying for a certain game before you tried it out.
  • "Crazylazyguy;c-1168937" wrote:
    "Jedi_Reach_;c-1168931" wrote:
    "Crazylazyguy;c-1168918" wrote:
    What I don't get is, why do people think that "Oh but I paid so I want this, this, this and this". You didn't pay for the game. You paid for in-game currency which isn't even a requirement. I will 100% agree with you wanting more for your money, but only if the game is a BF2 or CS:GO type of game. Where you spend the money without playing the game first and then deciding if you like it and if you wish to continue spending. In that case you have all the rights to complain about bugs and whatnot. But being able to test it out first. Seeing if you like it, THEN paying, hell no. You had plenty of time to decide whether you want to spend on the game or not.

    There are quite a lot of people who do it. You're not more special than them, to come here and start writing things like "Yeah so I am paying and it's thanks to me that this game is still running, now wash my feet you filthy f2p".

    Just want to say for the record, in case anyone is still thinking whales are the tyrant overlords, that's not true at all. Whaling in this game is totally optional and gives a momentary advantage at best. I'm of the opinion whales are treated poorly in this game compared to games like this:

    In the past, they had a 'VIP' service for whales. Of course they took that down now since it was a bit too much favoritism for spenders. All things considered, F2P players in this game have it very good. More than they appreciate tbh.

    You missed my entire point. I am all for p2w players. I've got nothing against them. I am not the one deciding whether they should spend money or not, it's their own decision and if they want to, they can do it. I don't even care if a whale is blocking my way in arena or gw, because THIS game is made for everyone to be equal. The only advantage they have is having newer toons at a higher level sooner. This isn't game breaking.

    The problem I have is that SOME not all, p2p players feel entitled that all of their whims should be met, and the thing is, they didn't pay for the game. They could've uninstalled it the moment they opened, checked and disliked it and they wouldn't have lost anything. It's not the same as paying for a certain game before you tried it out.

    I didn't quote that for you personally; I quoted it and spoke in a general sense since you fanned the flame for that particular discussion. Your points are totally fine.
  • "Nack_Alfaghn;c-1168719" wrote:
    Saving resources helps but I fail to see how a f2p play managed to get Thrawn to 7 star.

    Fair enough having Cantina, GW and Arena Currency saved up made Chopper, Kanan and Zeb easy to get.

    Hera and Ezra are a different story as it did not matter how much fleet currency you had saved up you would not be able to 7 star Ezra on just fleet currency. This means that both Hera and Ezra required farming from Cantina nodes which in the time frame, even with double drops for a few days was not doable even doing the 3 100 refreshes that a f2p player is unlikely to buy.

    Yes you could use the shard shop to help but how many f2p players have 1000s of shard shop currency saved up?

    You are greatly underestimating the capabilities of some F2P. I had enough crystals saved + combined with finishing 1st everyday in arena that I could've purchased 5 cantina refreshes a day. I also had 12k shard shop currency. All 100% F2P
  • "Nack_Alfaghn;c-1168926" wrote:
    "Kyno;c-1168882" wrote:
    "Nack_Alfaghn;c-1168792" wrote:
    "Kyno;c-1168743" wrote:
    "Nack_Alfaghn;c-1168719" wrote:
    Saving resources helps but I fail to see how a f2p play managed to get Thrawn to 7 star.

    Fair enough having Cantina, GW and Arena Currency saved up made Chopper, Kanan and Zeb easy to get.

    Hera and Ezra are a different story as it did not matter how much fleet currency you had saved up you would not be able to 7 star Ezra on just fleet currency. This means that both Hera and Ezra required farming from Cantina nodes which in the time frame, even with double drops for a few days was not doable even doing the 3 100 refreshes that a f2p player is unlikely to buy.

    Yes you could use the shard shop to help but how many f2p players have 1000s of shard shop currency saved up?

    I find you lack of imagination disturbing. :wink:

    I'm not saying all f2p could 7* him but long time players working to be flexible had plenty of resources to farm all toons but Sabine to 7* by supplementing from the ****. Bronzium alone will give you a bunch of **** currency.

    Not easy, but doable. Double drops helped.

    Saved crystals from arena is the most important resource to manage. Again not easy but doable.

    If you had the shard shop currency would you not go for Sabine though.

    If someone has a 7 star Thrawn they spent money, as it may be doable in theory to do it f2p but would involve sitting on a lot of crystals and I doubt anyone would save crystals for months to have enough to do this.

    Me and a shard mate did it and didn't spend any money. It's not a theory it is doable, just not for everyone. It's takes planning and hoarding.

    I had enough **** currency to supplement for hera and ezra, not fully farm a whole toon.

    I will need proof or it didn't happen. Im not saying its impossible its just highly unlikely someone would hoard so much and choose to spend it before they knew if Thrawn was any good which goes against the attributes required to hoard that much.

    It's easy to say you are f2p and have a 7 star Thrawn it's another thing to have a 7 star Thrawn and be f2p.

    I can offer no evidence as I will not provide CC statements to show I didn't spend.

    Without using shard shop currency until the event started, it's not that hard. My plan was to farm for a 5* as that's would not stress my savings and many new toons are viable at that lvl.

    I knew I wouldn't make it to 7* until 5 days in so I waited farming double drops and upon hearing good things on the first 2 days went all in.

    I don't hoard to hoard, I hoard so I can make decisions as needed. Hoarding provides flexibility, it's not a goal. Build up, make a decision, and repeat.

    As Dec '15 players most farming from stores is "complete", so waiting doesn't hurt too much. We have also know for a while that the shard shop was going to be the "new" farming location so I have built a plan around that.
  • "xMORIDINx;c-1168016" wrote:
    I'd be fascinated to see any of you play Game of War

    I used to play that for about a year and a half before I finally quit. While I enjoyed the drama and how into it everyone was, the game was straight torture, if you didn't have a huge army or a shield up you were always at risk to get wiped (you can only have so much hospitals, and they cut into other things.) but I agree with you the P2P was insanely crazy and unlike this game there was always more money to spend. It was simultaneously the worst mobile game I've every played and also my favorite.
  • "Atlas1;c-1167788" wrote:
    Have you played any other game? This game gives you scraps and then slaps you in the face with them. The amount of "giveaways" in this game (and trust me, I love this game) pales in comparison to others. No one is asking for a handout, just to allow us to earn characters without having to pay for everything (ex: Phoenix Squadron for Thrawn).

    It's ok for you, sure. You're apparently new. I'm a day 1 player that competes in the top 20 in arena. Some of us care about being competitive. If that's not you, cool. Don't trash others.

    I'm on a April 2016 shard, so not a new player by any stretch. Top 20/50 payout on one account and top 100 on my main. For being F2P, I think I'm doing okay ;)

    @Atlas1 I definitely agree with you on the "giveaways" in this game though. Other games routinely give free currency (crystals), gold (credits), characters/equipment (shards), and double drops almost weekly, especially to unlock for older content. FFBE literally just gave away an auto 5* pull for a one-year anniversary event...for those of you without context, that'd be kinda like EA/CG giving a free pack to everyone that randomly had a 7* Nihlus, Baze, Shoretrooper, or Krennic in it.

    Maybe this is one of the reasons the SWGOH community feels constantly slighted...there really aren't enough resources available to enable players to experiment without setting them back at minimum a couple months.
  • "Austin09370;c-1168191" wrote:
    Unfortunately people people fall into the fallacy of the "customer is always right" and therefore believe it's their right to complain and believe they will be rewarded for doing so. This applies even more if they've spent any amount of money. If you know anything about business, the customer is not always right and it's sometimes better if that customer would just go away because they aren't worth the headache or grief.

    With that said, more open communication is better, but it needs to be respectful from the players end. I think CG/EA has tried improving on this, but whiners and trolls can't help but trying to catch them in "gotcha moments" and then throw a fit when they don't perceive something as fair based on their subjective standards.

    Overall, this is a great mobile game for those who choose to spend money and FTP. My hope is that this community will improve and call out the whiners and complainers when comments are not constructive or they are just misinformed.

    @Austin09370 I'll second that this is a great post.

    I like the discussion here too. It brings up some interesting questions (for me anyway) about entitlement vs enabling players, which is clearly a huge issue for SWGOH right now.
  • "Gabriel710;c-1168974" wrote:
    "Nack_Alfaghn;c-1168719" wrote:
    Saving resources helps but I fail to see how a f2p play managed to get Thrawn to 7 star.

    Fair enough having Cantina, GW and Arena Currency saved up made Chopper, Kanan and Zeb easy to get.

    Hera and Ezra are a different story as it did not matter how much fleet currency you had saved up you would not be able to 7 star Ezra on just fleet currency. This means that both Hera and Ezra required farming from Cantina nodes which in the time frame, even with double drops for a few days was not doable even doing the 3 100 refreshes that a f2p player is unlikely to buy.

    Yes you could use the shard shop to help but how many f2p players have 1000s of shard shop currency saved up?

    You are greatly underestimating the capabilities of some F2P. I had enough crystals saved + combined with finishing 1st everyday in arena that I could've purchased 5 cantina refreshes a day. I also had 12k shard shop currency. All 100% F2P

    Nah man it's literally IMPOSSIBLE for any F2P to obtain Thrawn at 7* in anyway whatsoever, it's 100% true because I say so!
  • "Uklem;c-1167824" wrote:
    F2P myself, I can tell you that the problem isn't being unable to unlock every character they give.
    The problem is not allowing F2P players and new players to enjoy the game enough to one day become new P2P players

    Like you, I didn't get Thrawn 7* (didn't even unlock it), but I choose to, because if I started working on PS, I would have to stop what I was currently working on. In the end, it means that I choose to slow my progression and my ability to do better in arena (yes Thrawn is a better arena option than most). When it happens once, it is not a problem, but since I started playing (dec 2016) it happened almost once every 2 month(PS, DN, FAT, ...). 7* Thrawn should have required PS 7*, but why simply unlocking it needed to stop our progression elsewhere I can't agree with.

    Another example, the ewoks update. I already started to work on my ewoks last month, so this month I should be happy, but with my older ewoks not finished (Chirpa isn't even unlocked), the 3 new furball to work on and the other project I had (Finish 7* Luke, 7* Doku, ...), I am pretty sure I will have to choose again. Older or P2P players can use the new content quickly enough and I am happy for them, but if I need 1 year to start using a toon (6 month to unlock and 6 more to star/gear it) who will then no longer be meta then I don't see why I should bother.

    Every faction pass is more a punishement than a gift when you are new or not an old F2P.

    The older the game is, the less forgiving it is for F2P player or new player. It shouldn't happen. In a lot of MMO, old content become easier to get when enough new content is released. This is what really is missing in this game. A shard shop where the 20 less played characters are available would be enough for me. Give me something to work on that isn't me just trying to follow the older/wealthier player in a race that is flawed from the beginning.

    I hope that the new game mode will allow every player in a guild to feel useful. It would go a long way to make SWGOG less a grind and more a game.

    You hit the nail right on the head!
  • "DeeOhGee;c-1171754" wrote:
    "Uklem;c-1167824" wrote:
    F2P myself, I can tell you that the problem isn't being unable to unlock every character they give.
    The problem is not allowing F2P players and new players to enjoy the game enough to one day become new P2P players

    Like you, I didn't get Thrawn 7* (didn't even unlock it), but I choose to, because if I started working on PS, I would have to stop what I was currently working on. In the end, it means that I choose to slow my progression and my ability to do better in arena (yes Thrawn is a better arena option than most). When it happens once, it is not a problem, but since I started playing (dec 2016) it happened almost once every 2 month(PS, DN, FAT, ...). 7* Thrawn should have required PS 7*, but why simply unlocking it needed to stop our progression elsewhere I can't agree with.

    Another example, the ewoks update. I already started to work on my ewoks last month, so this month I should be happy, but with my older ewoks not finished (Chirpa isn't even unlocked), the 3 new furball to work on and the other project I had (Finish 7* Luke, 7* Doku, ...), I am pretty sure I will have to choose again. Older or P2P players can use the new content quickly enough and I am happy for them, but if I need 1 year to start using a toon (6 month to unlock and 6 more to star/gear it) who will then no longer be meta then I don't see why I should bother.

    Every faction pass is more a punishement than a gift when you are new or not an old F2P.

    The older the game is, the less forgiving it is for F2P player or new player. It shouldn't happen. In a lot of MMO, old content become easier to get when enough new content is released. This is what really is missing in this game. A shard shop where the 20 less played characters are available would be enough for me. Give me something to work on that isn't me just trying to follow the older/wealthier player in a race that is flawed from the beginning.

    I hope that the new game mode will allow every player in a guild to feel useful. It would go a long way to make SWGOG less a grind and more a game.

    You hit the nail right on the head!

    No not really, you can't compare FATz and Thrawn as the method required to 7* them was vastly different. A F2P has no need to work on characters that won't be useful for the foreseeable future. Atm OP should be working on Ewoks and/or Hoth characters as that's the obvious thing to do, not 7* Dooku or whoever else that will be useless for the next few months.