Forum Discussion

Shadowscream77's avatar
New Spectator
7 years ago

Worth abandoning farming plan for GMY?

I’ve currently got
1) Strong 7* Phoenix Team (lvl 82) - they unlocked 7* Thrawn
2) Reasonable Wiggs /STH/Lando/Ackbar Team @ 7*
3) Reasonable Empire Team - Vader nearly at 7*
4) Scoundrel Team

My current priorities were
Cantina —> Old Ben then Farmboy Luke
Cantina Store —> Leia (after 5 more Tarkin shards for 7*)
GW —> Phasma then Magmatrooper
Fleet —> Rebel ships & Vader/Rex

***Is it worth abandoning this and farming Mace to 7* in Cantina/Fleet and JC with normal Energy to have 5 jedis for the upcoming Yoda event? ***

My Jedi team would be a well geared Ezra,Kanan.....and QGJ,Mace,JC —> I hadn’t really planned for GMY to be honest....should I divert?
