Forum Discussion

dawgfan91's avatar
8 years ago

Zeta Decisions -- CLS, R2 or both?

So folks, I have two zetas available at the moment and am trying to figure out who I should give them to and which zetas I should upgrade.

Part of my problem is that I don't always use CLS as L for my team because I still love Rex, so for CLS I'm leaning towards giving him the zeta for "binds all things" so that I also might receive extra TM.

R2 sounds very interesting because with his first unique, you almost don't need Chirrut since Rebels cleanse themselves. However I see on my shard that most have zeta'd his second unique giving the extra 10% offense, hp, etc.

My profile is located within my sig if you want to further check out my toons.

Appreciate the responses.
  • R2's Number Crunch is the best bang for your buck. Gives your whole Republic, Rebel or Resistance team Protection, Offense, Health and Potency.
  • Well number crunch is a must and the cleanse is so pretty nice. I am 3 zeta parts away from bin all things. They just refuse to drop :#
  • if you are gonna use cls more then it binds all things, otherwise zeta r2, priority is on number crunch...
  • Yes I'm planning on using CLS in arena just because he's so versatile. I like R2 and think he can do a lot of great things but I'm not sold on him completely and therefore also not on zeta'ing him... I get that with the influx of CLS arena leaders that R2 is a great addition because of camo and that the enemy can't retaliate, but yeah... Anyway, thanks for the input guys. I still have my second on hold but for now I put the first on Luke's Binds All Things unique.
  • R2 is very versatile--he's Droid, Republic, Rebel, and Resistance. Fits into a ton of teams.