Forum Discussion

darek0211's avatar
7 years ago

Zeta Dooku

Hi everyone
Is zeta on Dooku worth resources ? and also how this unique works under Nihilus lead, unique says Dooku recovers his protection, and I'm just curious is that protection under Nihilus is got changed on health or that zeta doesnt work under Nihilus lead. What I'm understanding if zeta lead Nihilus recovers 150% health, is it mean that recoverd protection 10% give us actually 160% ?????
  • The boosted damage would heal more under Nihlus, and then there is the crit immunity.

    But no protection is recovered
  • My mediocre geared/modded antiā€”jedi team (Dooku, Cad Bane and Sidious) actually did well against the enemy jedi team here in TW. I wouldn't use it in arena, though.
  • I was thinking to build solid defence team for TW, idea was lead zNihilus, Sith Assassin, Sith Trooper, zSavage, zDooku. Purpose wasn't the arena team, just TW.
    I have most of the popular zetas (Kylo, Thrawn, Solo, Maul, Vader, Finn ) just trying to figure out solid defence. So far my Barris is only 4*, still collecting shards to unlock GK, and try to keep my CLS to attack phase
  • If you HAVE to run him for TW defense his zeta could be worthwhile under a Sith lead besides DN. If you run him under DN, his zeta is not worth it at all.
  • Thats true, I just wasn't sure if he is using his unique under Nihilus, is recover then 160%, but if not, is not worth

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