8 years ago
Zeta Dooku
Hi everyone
Is zeta on Dooku worth resources ? and also how this unique works under Nihilus lead, unique says Dooku recovers his protection, and I'm just curious is that protection under Nihilus is got changed on health or that zeta doesnt work under Nihilus lead. What I'm understanding if zeta lead Nihilus recovers 150% health, is it mean that recoverd protection 10% give us actually 160% ?????
Is zeta on Dooku worth resources ? and also how this unique works under Nihilus lead, unique says Dooku recovers his protection, and I'm just curious is that protection under Nihilus is got changed on health or that zeta doesnt work under Nihilus lead. What I'm understanding if zeta lead Nihilus recovers 150% health, is it mean that recoverd protection 10% give us actually 160% ?????