Forum Discussion

ATAT1977's avatar
7 years ago

Zombie's revive vs. DN's Annihilate and Boba Fett's Execute

Mod why are you burying my post 5 minutes after it was posted ? how about you respond ?

I have not had the privilege of Fighting Zombie yet, but I pose this question about Zombie's special, I have seen videos of Zombie being revived again and again as the special reads "when Zombie is defeated while any other Nightsisters are active she is revived and this revive cannot be prevented", well what happens when she faces DN or Boba and Annihilate or Execute are used on her ? Both of these moves state the defeated target cannot be revived and this cannot be evaded, well it can't be both so which one is it ? one can't be prevented and on can't be avoided so what happens ?