Bug with Sith Eternal Emperor
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Mobile phone
OS Version 14
Ally Code: (Find it here: http://bit.ly/AllyCode ) 233-489-254
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug Sith Eternal disappears in the middle of battle
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I think the best way to see my video to understand how reproduce it
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region Europe
Country Latvia
In Conquest event in the second tier accidentally found a battle where Sith Eternal disappears in the middle of battle. I have reproduced this bug at least three times. I tried to upload the video of the battle, but it seems there is a restriction by size. Please try this link https://photos.app.goo.gl/bCiuj5zM9KBPnu6v9
Hi @id19rz2zu3r2, and thank you for the report.
We have flagged this for further investigation.