Conquest bug - padme lead
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Android Phone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Oppo reno 2z
OS Version Android 10
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 197-167-637
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Try it
Connection Type Mobile
Please select your region Asia, North America
Country Turkey
I spent all my crystal for just understand if this is a bug. And this teally stress me up.
Please send me some gift for an excuse thanks
Hi @YusufDark and thanks for the report.
This has been flagged to the team for further investigation.
As for sending a gift, we cannot do that. This is an area for reporting bugs only.