Darth Nihilus Annihilate didn't work
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Smartphone
OS Version 10
Ally Code: (Find it here: http://bit.ly/AllyCode ) 349269392
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug Used Darth Nihilus on 501st Rex and he didn't die.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? In GAC 3c3 against 501st Rex (lead), Cpt Rex and Five: Selected Darth Traya as leader with Darth Nihilus and Savage. Used Traya special ability Isolate on Five then a moment later used Darth Nihilus special ability Annhilate on 501st Rex but he was NOT instant defeated and down to around 30% HP and Five (under isolate) was still alive.
Connection Type Wifi
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In GAC 3c3 against 501st Rex (lead), Cpt Rex and Five:
Selected Darth Traya as leader with Darth Nihilus and Savage.
Used Isolate on Five then a moment later used Darth Nihilus special ability Annhilate on 501st Rex but was NOT instant defeated and down to around 30% HP and Five (under isolate) was still alive.
The datacron on the clones team
- @wharp95 Thank you for your report. The team is aware of this bug and investigating the issue further.