Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Android Phone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Samsung s21
OS Version Android 12
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 317-837-118
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
Summarize your bug Game freezes in battles and it's getting worse everyday...tb,tw,ga also while upgrading characters pictures included
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Get a Samsung phone and play until it happens you'll see
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country United States
Game freezes constantly ...before battles GA,TB,TW. Also while upgrading gear everything shrinks then it freezes.. I've enclosed pics of the occurrences I've had in the last hour alone . This is getting worse not better..cost me one ga matchup last week and multiple tw matchups today... Is hard to even play at the moment..I know it's a issue with Samsung phones or we are the ones having.the issues..but at this point it's beyond fustrating... So here's the pics to help aid in to be solution to the problem and yes I cleared my cache and did a reinstall of the game as well with no different results after...