Forum Discussion

APM822's avatar
New Novice
21 days ago

Infinite TM loop team

I thought the game did not like infinite TM loops so am reporting this as a bug under those parameters - if its not a bug then I guess 5 minute battle only take a bonus turn when triggered by a unique is a really fun game to watch.


GAC match - defending Team Admiral Ackbar, Princess Leia, Stormtrooper Han, Threepio and Chewie, Commander Luke Skywalker - STH DC Tank lvl 3 & 6

Attacking team - Bo mandalorians, attacker DC all Omis on Bo.

Open battle couple of minutes in BAM takes a bonus turn to place Damage Immunity on OG Bg circa 4 min mark he gets another to place it on IG - 5 mins goes by everyone is alive on both teams I've not taken a turn.



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