Japanese Translation Suggestions on September 2024
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Apple iPhone
OS Version latest
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What type of issue do you have? Translation Errors
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
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Country Japan
Hi team, I have suggestions for improving the Japanese translation.
1. 50R-T basic Ability "Calculated Odds"
Revise from "攻撃可能な場合は" to "可能な場合は" (Remove the word "攻撃")
2. Admiral Piett special Ability "Imperial Ambition"
Split the second sentence into the following two sentences: 指定した味方帝国軍に2ターンのマークを与え、バトル終了または指定した味方が戦闘不能になるまで失敗不可避のスタックを3与える。指定した味方以外の味方全体から、失敗不可避の効果を取り除く。
3. Admiral Raddus leader ability "Rebel Assault"
Change the part "2ターンの" to just before "クリティカル率上昇"
味方の「反乱の口火」が解除されると、その味方に2ターンのクリティカル率上昇、(the rest is omitted)
4. Admiral Trench special ability "Net Positive"
Revise the ability name from "賞味プラス" to "正味プラス" ("賞味" means to enjoy eating something delicious 🙂
5. Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum) unique ability "Perseverance"
Revise from "この方法で解除した弱体化効果につき、反対の強化効果" to "この方法で解除した弱体化効果につき、2ターンの反対の強化効果"
6. Ahsoka Tano (Snips) basic "Focused Slash"
Revise from "第501軍団がいる場合、" to "別の味方第501軍団がいる場合、"
7. Aurra Sing leader ability "Game Plan"
Revise from "ステルス状態の間、味方賞金稼ぎとならず者の攻撃力が" to "味方賞金稼ぎとならず者はステルス状態の間、攻撃力が"
Revise from "敵に倒されると" to "敵を倒すと"
Revise from "スキル1つを10回使用する" to "スキルを10回使用する"
8. Aurra Sing unique "Relentless Killer"
Revise from "敵に倒されると" to "敵を倒すと"
- @Jinnai73 Sent to studio for a review.