Legend Kylo doesn't receive siphon on auto in Places of Power (hardest)
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Apple iPhone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Iphone SE
OS Version 15.7.5
Ally Code: (Find it here: http://bit.ly/AllyCode ) 122572228
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug Remark: System language:German. While playing at the event "Places of Power" at the hardest level, while on auto play, galactic legend Kylo only uses his second special (AOE) and by doing that, his siphon does not increase. This means, there is no alternation between his basic, first special and second special. As if there are unlimited amounts of second specials available and that's the reason Legend Kylo only uses the second special (or ultimate). On manual play, the options are all available, so siphon can increase if basic attack or the first special is chosen. The second special still doesn't generate siphon points. If auto basic play is selected, the basis attack does generate 10 siphon points as it should be. All gathered siphon points remain if the play mode is switched between manual, auto basic or auto (as it should be). Increasing points is still possible while on different modes, except on auto, where the previous gathered siphon points remain stable. They are doubled with ultimate.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Play Places of Power on hardest, use Legend Kyle and put the gameplay on auto. Then, you will hopefully see that siphon does not increase at all for Legend Kyle. At least for me it doesn't.
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Country Germany
Link to the Video:
I'll try to explain what I saw in your video:
- 0:10 special 2 was used, which has a cooldown of 3 turns.
- 0:34 SLKR on auto used the ultimate ability. Siphon was doubled.
- 0:55 SLKR on auto used his special two again, because of his aggressive stance: "While in this stance, Kylo's abilities have no cooldowns." See "Depths of Rage" description.
- 1:24 you entered a new encounter. SLKR is still in an aggressive stance and used his special 2 at 2:15.
- 2:53 SLKR on auto used the ultimate ability. Special 2 can be used again without cooldowns.
- 3:49 You swapped the game to auto-basic.
- 4:17 SLKR attacks with his basic for the first time and gains 20 siphon.
- 4:20 You swapped to manual play.
- 4:43 Special 1 was used and SLKR gained 80 siphon (100 in total).
- 4:45 Aggressive stance expired and Siphon was reduced to 50.
So far everything was working as intended. We do not recommend using auto mode for hard events.