9 years agoLuminara's Ability Block not triggering but not being Resisted
I see this all the time. I just saw it with Luminara's special against Captain Phasma (Phasma leader so no other effects in play--which shouldn't matter anyway).
Her attack hit, dealt damage, and did not create Ability Block. (Ability Block at Level 6 has 100% chance to trigger.)
Incidentally Luminara's Potency is 0%, I didn't look up the enemy Phasma's Tenacity (she wasn't 7*/max Lvl so I assume her gear wasn't max) but maximum for Phasma is 48%.
So there's an excellent chance she will Resist.
This would be fine if it said "Resisted" but it doesn't. Probably/hopefully the bug is with the Resist not displaying and not Luminara's Force Blast.