Merrin bug
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Bug
OS Version Ok
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 476-568-694
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%)
Summarize your bug When you kill merrin and she revives the Game crashes. It happened to me twice in a row. And It happened to me on mobile phone, not on pc. Finaly i had to use slkr, so she doesnt revive and Crash the game
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Idk, testing It,
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country Spain
merrin is bugged in Ga, whem she dies and she revives, the Game crash, It happened 2 times in a row to me, and i have to use slkr so she doesnt revive, so she doesnt Crash the Game. Ty for * Up my ga
- @19631964 The team is aware of the performance issues and is investigating the issue further.