Forum Discussion

Jayyson6014's avatar
8 hours ago

Phone Purchase

I am sure we have all heard the story:

Idiot let's kid hold phone, kid buys something pricy, idiot screams his face off in hopes of getting refund.

I have spent a long time laughing at such I am such people.

My daughter likes to watch the battles on auto mode. She is 5. She has been watching it for about a week with no issues. Until tonight. I showed her how to start another battle and press the auto button so the battle will play for her. If I run out of energy and she spends so crystals for an energy refill, whatever.

I did not realize my credit card was saved to the Google Play store and that one click purchasing was active.

She managed to find a free bronzium pack and thought the unlock animation was cool, so she found something else that looked cool to click on while I was talking to her little brother. I turn back and see my level 40 account is now level 85 and she is clicking through about a billion unlocks. Look at my bank statement...47 bucks and some change (apparently I had some Google rewards money still saved.)

She bought the hyperdrive pack. Is there anyone I can talk to? I haven't done a single missing or upgraded a single character since she did it if that matters. I was just having fun with the slow grind.

And yes, I have already removed my credit card information from Google Play.

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