Forum Discussion
17 Replies
- Kamyla2 months agoRising Novice
I'm having the same problem. I'm playing on W11/1080p. While I do appreciate seeing more of the game, I'm not used to the UI being this small for The Sims 1... I hope this gets fixed and we can choose the resolution scaling we prefer.
- Jau_CR2 months agoRising Rookie
This hasn't been fixed in today's update. I wish The Sims team would look into this because it clearly needs fixing...
- DTM_Derrick2 months agoSeasoned Rookie
I'm running 4K and still have the issue sadly
- MeggleMonster2 months agoRising Rookie
I know! I'm so disappointed. I thought for sure they'd fix this in the update. It's one of the big issues people have reported.
- arnon8526 days agoSeasoned Novice
ALT+ENTER works for me correctly, but for some reason the title bar is visible in the fullscreen windowed mode. why not make it borderless?
- hpzgreenblock26 days agoSeasoned Scout
This is not a bug and is working as intented. The alt+enter scaling options are only available (and only make sense) in resolutions larger than 1080p.
Source: Alt+Enter cycles between modes:
- Windowed modes:
- A windowed mode for each available res scale.
- At 1080p or lower, you'll only have 1x.
- At 1440p, you'll have 1x and 2x.
- At 4K, you'll have 1x, 2x and 3x.
- A windowed mode for each available res scale.
- Full screen modes:
- Picks the highest scale for the mode, and fills the screen.
- Windowed modes:
- LadyFu8312 days agoNew Hotshot
5th patch out there and still the UI scaling and alt + enter doesn't work for me. 1080p resolution here ... it's impossible to play without destroying my eyes and getting a headache after 10 minutes ... sigh
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