CAS Camera zooms out too much in Windowed mode in some resolutions
After today's patch (March 14), I have noticed that the camera in CAS zooms out too much, in a way that does not look intended, when I switch to Windowed mode. This issue happens on any step where the camera normally zooms in on a part of the Sim's body (hair catalog, makeup, jewellery, etc.). It also happens when creating Pets.
This only happens in Windowed Mode when the resolution is set to 1920x1080; this is my native resolution so I can't go higher, and lower resolutions are not affected.
The first two screenshots show the comparison on Step 1; this part actually looks better in Windowed Mode than it does in Borderless since the UI does not cover the Sim at all.
The third and the fourth screenshots show the comparison on Step 3; both are extreme, in Borderless the camera is zoomed in too much, and in Windowed mode it is too far away.
If anyone else is experiencing this issue, feel free to post a screenshot in a reply, but please include the resolution it happens in as well as whether the game is running in Windowed or Borderless mode. Make sure you test in an unmodded game to confirm you have the issue.