Forum Discussion

Misawantspepsi's avatar
7 years ago

Is there a way to view cc packages?

Is there a program or method simsular to sims 4 studio for sims 2 where I can view my cc and see what the packages are? I was dumb when I was younger, so I didn't rename the packages so they are all numbers and letters. I'd like to sort threw and get rid of old and broken cc.
  • Install everything using the SimPk Clean Installer. It can also ask you if you want to reinstall something you already have since it already exists. Saves time if you already have that mesh but not the recolor etc. You use it to scan your downloads folder, too, it can show you Hacks (In Red) and Duplicates in Pink which cause file bloat, you can remove those using the tool. Delphy's Oranizer is a good tool to tell you what everything is (including just the recolor numbers) and what is an orphan and what isn't. Orphans are files where you may no longer have the mesh installed but have the recolor etc. you can remove those. They also cause file bloat. You can use the SimPk Clean installer to show you everything and it will do this per category. Such as wallpaper, floors, recolors,meshes, objects etc. It's good to know.

    You can remove of jpg files of the pictures of the item the creator provided and the Read Me files and get rid of the extra stuff you don't need in there like that.
  • Thanks So much for all the help. I downloaded the sims2pack ckean installer. It is taking some time, because I somehow downloaded 39,318 files worth of cc :# Once again. This has been very helpful.
  • Something I noticed the other day, with the most recent SimPkCleanInstaller, it shows what is also in lots if you have those in your cc files. You know a lot you downloaded but didn't open/install, or just left it's package in your downloads folder. This may cause the cleaner to think you have duplicates but don't since the lot isn't actually open/or installed or it may be installed, but still in your downloads folder.

    You should remove the round lot thingy from downloads and put it maybe in a file on your desktop or in documents if you want to keep those in case you want to reintall them someday. The reason, the clean installer also sees what is in that house lot file, (not opened) so always check subfolders (where your cc is located if you make folders) because you could delete a duplicate because it also saw the stuff in a lot but you didn't open that lot. Does that make sense? I found this out the other day when I left some lots I had downloaded in the downloads folder and had not opened them. The installer saw the cc in there (which of course would not have been reinstalled if I had opened the lots) but it saw my actual downloads (some recolors and meshes etc.) as duplicates. Deleting those made them leave the game, since the installer thought I had them twice but acutally I didn't, they were in lots I had not installed or opened yet.
  • I know you can open them and look at it with SimPE. I am not sure if any other programs can do it though, I think there is one other but I can't remember what it was.
  • It's been a long time since I messed around with Clean Pack Installer, but for fun I opened it and looked at my files. I have quite a few in pink which are duplicate files. Does anyone know if duplicate files mess with the game at all?