What size is your SSD? And how much free space do you currently have?
You would have to move your entire My Documents drive to the HDD.
I see you have a Sims 3 avatar moving My Documents to the HDD would mean that you would lose out of SSD speed for loading your CC and your saves. So keep that in mind.
I personally don't have Sims 2 on my SSD. Sims 2 doesn't really have anything where the increase speed of a SSD makes a huge impact. At least not to me. If you're constantly in and out of CAS or you constantly change outfits for your Sims and/or hair styles you may have a bigger impact of putting the game on your SSD. It's not like Sims 3 with the open world and the game constantly needing to keep track of and think of things. And the tech is much better than what the game was designed around as well.
I have My Documents folder on my SSD and I don't have issues with the game being installed on one drive but the save files and CC being on another.