Thank you Seera for that info, it was very helpfull. So do I just do a copy, past, and delete to move my My Documents from SSD to HDD? Will that stop my downloads from MTS etc from auto going to my SSD? I hope so. I have Sims 3 and 4 as well, but never play 3 because my old system just could not manage it. I don't know if I will put it on my new PC or forget it. Don't belive my SSD is all that big as Windows is on it and takes up almost half the space. It looks like it is 118 GB. I will download Sims 4 though, but it runs easy so should I go ahead and put in on my HDD? I have 4 TB of HDD. I am just learning about SSD and my daughter just built this PC for me but she is still learning. This is just her third one. Again thank you so very much for your input.