Pet jobs and other pet related bugs
So I put Crittur family (dog family) to Oldie family in Pleseantview, and started to play. I think the pet aspect was ignored when they put this game for sale again :D I dont remember these kinda bugs when I was a child, and was enjoying this game. First of all Pet jobs are crashing the game and its very annoying since it was one of most fun parts of owning them. I had to move out family and move them in back in again and had to fire my pets from their careers. Second, some skills and tricks they learn are not showing in their panel, even thought the meter shows they know them. For example I could order Sarah Crittur to do roll over even thought, in her panel you could see that she only knew how speak. Or I trained her and Dan to be potty trained and i didnt showed in their panel that they knew it. Same for their puppies. Even meter showed up that they were potty trained when you pet them, it didnt showed up their panel. I put up their potty trained puppies on adoption and it didnt showed that they were potty trained. Although price for adoption was pretty high so I think the game knows that .
Another very serious bug I encountered is that toddler got stuck on pet bed. Beau Broke was tired and went to sleep to cats Comfty Pet Pillow and was stuck there forever. ( Good thing I didnt saved). Also Sarah Crittur was glitching pretty bad when sleeping on this same pillow ( She couldnt sleep on it and was doing weird animation trying to lie down).
PS: Scripted events in Pleseantview are also glitched (stories are not full i have to google it to play it how it was intended), Animation for Wohooo in hotub is also glitched (Plumbob not showing or is stick inside of the sims). I play in Czech language and some pop ups were in English, so translation is also glitched on some texts.