"Rflong7;c-16439322" wrote:
Once they earn 3 body skills they can do yoga. Yoga doesn't make them tired, dirty, or hungry as fast. Also, Summer makes them overheat fast.
The cycle has a problem where it can kill a Sim...iirc. Mainly by them wanting to use it too much.
Yeesh! Why do I not remember ANYthing about TS2?! I don't remember having that problem with exercise equipment, I don't remember even having a temp meter, or being "In The Zone", or working on Enthusiasms, NONE of it! It's like I'm playing it for the first time even though I played it for years before moving on to TS3. Apparently you CAN go back again and start all over, because that's what I'm doing with TS2, total tabula rasa. LOL
Thanks for the yoga tip, will it help build enthusiasm for Fitness?
Summer, another Yeesh! In TS3 summer is much more forgiving, a lot like spring, and TS3 spring acts like winter here in Texas. I don't like the fall or winter months in TS3, so set my TS2 neighborhood to summer, summer, summer, spring. Now that I know what a killer summer is, I'd change the seasons, but how? Is there some way to start another Belladonna neighborhood, or have I ruined Belladonna by selecting the wrong seasons?