Oh yeah the dead Capp ancestors are the most corrupt because they were made first and there was largely a huge data shredding that occurred when they decided to make the backstories for these sims. The commonality with corrupted deceased Sims is that they all have "brown eyes and no eyebrows headshot" syndrome especially with the Strangetown deceased. According to the Sims Wiki, originally Cordelia and Caliban were actually intended to be playable since they were created before the rest of the deceased ancestors. They were also the 3rd and 4th Sims created in Veronaville besides their daughter Juliette but I guess Maxis decides to kill them both as a means to create some tension between the two families for the drama ala Shakespeare and ran into some issues that caused their data to shred. As for the rest of the dead ancestors, they were not actually proper sims but more like an afterthought to cement that the Capps came from old money which is why Hector's tombstone is missing. As for the houses lacking space, it's because Maxis probably followed the old tudor styled houses way too hardcore without considering whether or not it'll fit the sims living there's needs. Though it could be possible that they were designed that way to give the building side of the Sims community some kind of renovating challenge.