The Mares gave this world a good reveiw - check it out and a big thumbs up by the way!
Had a great night playing in there - the weather seemed to make most of the little ones few and far between - it's hard having to tramp through 11 plus inches of snow in a costume and mask and snowsuit - poor little ones - they need a do-over, but my night was fun anyway. I added the perfect family to the legacy lot as they have a number of ghosts - the Ghoulwrights from GreyMeadows.
So it was double the fun as I had not really played them very much before and HV was the perfect place for them.
I noted the Assylum bunch got themselves some pets too. Your sim in there is always out with the dog, so I sort of think the dog is more hers than anyones.
Candy! I lovvvvve candy, but nobody will let me have it. Pete can hear the wrappers if i try and a haunting, menacing voice streams out of his office " don't you be eating any of that...." Eerie. wooooooooo.