Forum Discussion
11 years agoHero
Chapter 12
As the days went on, the Holland household continued to joyfully live their lives. Sure there were up days and down days, but they all hadn't felt this happy and normal for years. Everyone was finally moving on and making plans for their future.
Michael still kept a close eye on Molly, tried to reassure he that he is there for her and also made sure to compliment all the good things she was doing. They have more of a stronger relationship with each other than Michael did with Bailey at this age so that he was very grateful for!
Bailey in turn was also keeping an eye on Molly, making sure she didn't make the same mistakes she did. She loved her younger sister very much and always wanted to show it.
(Andrea's like, "Whatever, I'm out of here." Lol! ;) )
Tristan still bothered the family about his chats with his imaginary friend. "He gets me snacks when I am hungry!" he would say, "and he will clean up for me."
("Get me a snack! I am STARVING!!")
Yeah right, his siblings would roll their eyes and think however they did notice that somehow Tristan wasn't leaving his dirty dishes or laundry around anymore...
Michael, Jenni and Ken were still as happy as could be! When Jenni took Ken to the Library for story time, Michael thought it would be nice to surprise her with some flowers and a few public displays of affection. ;)
A few things began happening in Molly's life. One afternoon, after school, she decided to go off and explore a few places in town. Her intention was to stay out after curfew and not get caught, hopefully. She just really wanted a break from her family and could sense why they were paying so much attention to her. Which she found interesting because it seemed to her they didn't care this much about her when she was younger. She always felt neglected, pushed to the side because she wasn't almost having woohoo with a boy, trying to chase the love of her life or wasn't impressing dad with her interest in medical stuff. I'm fine! she would think to herself, Geez, it's not like I'm gonna be as bad as Bailey was! I can take care of myself!
First she headed to the park and wanted to sit by the fountain and enjoy the relaxing sound of the water falling. Then she saw someone she hadn't seen in a year or so...Shark Racket. What!? He's out of jail already!? The memories came flooding back of that fateful night when Bailey collapsed on the floor because she had been given a date r-a-p-e drug which her father later discovered. Oh I am gonna give this guy a piece of my mind! She thought with her fists clenched. Always wanted to anyway!
Angrily she approached Shark from behind, sitting there at the outdoor chess table, and tapped his shoulder. "Shark Racket, I presume?" she asked in a snotty tone.
Shark turned and asked, "Who the H*** are you?"
"Bailey's sister Molly and I've got a few things to say about what you did to her!"
Shark stood up and looked her straight in the eye.
Then Molly began to rip into him.
"How dare you do that to my sister!? What? Her purity wasn't good enough for you!? I hope you know that she thought you were a much better guy than that! But instead you tore her heart out and made her lose a lot of faith in men!"
"I hope you never forget she has a restraining order on you! And if you EVER decide to break it and get anywhere near my sister, you'll have to deal with ME!" Then she slapped him and spit on the ground beside him. "You worthless SCUM! She deserves better than you anyway!" Then she ran off, for fear of him hurting her. But man, that felt SO good! She jumped on her bike and booked it to the Graveyard. There was something there she wanted to see.
She had heard from numerous people about the creepy catacombs located in the Mausoleum basement. She wanted to check them out! When she got there she had to sign a waiver saying she wouldn't sue the Mausoleum if anything happened to her down there and blah blah blah. Yeah whatever, she thought when signing it, I totally GOT this! was VERY dark and the flashlight she was given didn't help much. She heard the strangest noises and kept tripping into old coffins covered in dust and cobwebs. One coffin in particular was slightly opened and she found herself face to face with the scariest skeleton head she had EVER seen! Other things happened down there that she couldn't explain, she was getting covered in some kind of gunk and then all of the sudden a burst of flames shot out in front of her. Screaming she thought, That's it! She ran as fast as she could back to the basement entrance, running into more cobwebs on the way than she would've liked. It was almost 11pm and Molly knew she was going to have to get home fast before the cops found her (and of course before her Dad would lecture her).
Once at home, she reluctantly stepped inside because of how burned and torn up she looked. Once she entered the foyer, Michael walked by heading into the dining room from the living room and said, "I appreciate you making it home at a decent time Molly," then he froze just as he reached the dining room. "Woah...," He said turning back toward Molly. He couldn't believe the sight before him! He then stood before her and asked, "What on earth happened to you?"
Molly sighed and said, "I just ran into a little...something. It's not as bad as it looks."
In concern Michael said, "I'd say it was a BIG something! Where were you?"
"I was at the Mausoleum, exploring the catacombs," she answered but turned and walked passed him because she really didn't want to get lectured by him.
"Hey," Michael called back, "you come back here and let me take a look at you."
"I'm FINE dad!" she said annoyingly, "I just need a shower, but first I'm going to eat something because I am starving!"
She went into the kitchen, grabbed a TV dinner and nuked it up. When it was done she joined Derrick at the table who, for some reason, was eating waffles for dinner. The two sat silently for a time, enjoying their meals.
Then Derrick piped up and asked, "Seriously? What the heck happened to you?"
"Arrrgg!" Molly mumbled in anger, "I'm heading upstairs and getting a shower!"
Derrick chuckled as he watched her leave the room.
A few months passed and it was time for Derrick and Andrea's birthdays! They actually share the same birthday. So first they did a little celebrating for Derrick.
And now he was FINALLY a young adult!
(Someone looks A LOT like his dad! Seriously! I thought with how funny he looked as a teen he would grow up to look just as funny, but nope he grew up well. He's kinda cute ;) I'm gonna get rid of that hideous outfit soon...)
Then they did a little celebrating for Andrea. Tristan even mentioned his imaginary friend "Boinky" was present, but of course everyone shrugged it off.
("Hey, can I enjoy MY cake first!?")
And now Andrea is a teen!
(Nice photo bombing there Tristan...)
While eating cake, Molly and Andrea sat together on the couch and had a nice chat about life. It really felt good to Molly. She missed the closeness they used to share.
After those events it seemed like romance was in the air.
Derrick had just graduated and he had a few talks with Michael about proposing to Jade. Michael couldn't believe his kids were growing up so fast! It was hard to believe he was actually having this conversation with his son, but he said in a loving tone, "She's a wonderful young lady Derrick. If you feel it's the right thing to do, then you have my blessing."
Speaking of the Greenwood's, Tristan had really developed a strong friendship with Emerald, Jade's sister. He would never admit to her or anyone else that he had a little crush on her (except for his imaginary friend).
("That's a pretty outfit you have on Emerald.")
It was nearing time for Prom and honestly, Molly didn't care much about it. If I get asked great, if I don't oh well. It's just Prom! One afternoon after school her friend, Tay Bayless, invited her over to study with him. They had been friends for about a year now and discovered they had many things in common. Molly got the impression that he kind of liked her, but...she couldn't get over those EARS of his!
After they were done studying, Tay said nervously, "You know Molly...I was wondering. Would to go to Prom with me?"
Molly nearly dropped her pencil.
"Umm..." she sat there thinking, "Sure." Goodness I was NOT expecting that! But I can't say No...
Tay's eyes lit up like fireworks as he smiled. "GREAT! I'll keep in touch with you about when I'll pick you up and other stuff like that when the time comes."
Molly chuckled, seeing how difficult it was for him to sit still with excitement. "Sounds good."
How will Prom go for Molly and Tay? And how will Jade react to Derrick's proposal?
Stay tuned! :)
As the days went on, the Holland household continued to joyfully live their lives. Sure there were up days and down days, but they all hadn't felt this happy and normal for years. Everyone was finally moving on and making plans for their future.
Michael still kept a close eye on Molly, tried to reassure he that he is there for her and also made sure to compliment all the good things she was doing. They have more of a stronger relationship with each other than Michael did with Bailey at this age so that he was very grateful for!
Bailey in turn was also keeping an eye on Molly, making sure she didn't make the same mistakes she did. She loved her younger sister very much and always wanted to show it.
(Andrea's like, "Whatever, I'm out of here." Lol! ;) )
Tristan still bothered the family about his chats with his imaginary friend. "He gets me snacks when I am hungry!" he would say, "and he will clean up for me."
("Get me a snack! I am STARVING!!")
Yeah right, his siblings would roll their eyes and think however they did notice that somehow Tristan wasn't leaving his dirty dishes or laundry around anymore...
Michael, Jenni and Ken were still as happy as could be! When Jenni took Ken to the Library for story time, Michael thought it would be nice to surprise her with some flowers and a few public displays of affection. ;)
A few things began happening in Molly's life. One afternoon, after school, she decided to go off and explore a few places in town. Her intention was to stay out after curfew and not get caught, hopefully. She just really wanted a break from her family and could sense why they were paying so much attention to her. Which she found interesting because it seemed to her they didn't care this much about her when she was younger. She always felt neglected, pushed to the side because she wasn't almost having woohoo with a boy, trying to chase the love of her life or wasn't impressing dad with her interest in medical stuff. I'm fine! she would think to herself, Geez, it's not like I'm gonna be as bad as Bailey was! I can take care of myself!
First she headed to the park and wanted to sit by the fountain and enjoy the relaxing sound of the water falling. Then she saw someone she hadn't seen in a year or so...Shark Racket. What!? He's out of jail already!? The memories came flooding back of that fateful night when Bailey collapsed on the floor because she had been given a date r-a-p-e drug which her father later discovered. Oh I am gonna give this guy a piece of my mind! She thought with her fists clenched. Always wanted to anyway!
Angrily she approached Shark from behind, sitting there at the outdoor chess table, and tapped his shoulder. "Shark Racket, I presume?" she asked in a snotty tone.
Shark turned and asked, "Who the H*** are you?"
"Bailey's sister Molly and I've got a few things to say about what you did to her!"
Shark stood up and looked her straight in the eye.
Then Molly began to rip into him.
"How dare you do that to my sister!? What? Her purity wasn't good enough for you!? I hope you know that she thought you were a much better guy than that! But instead you tore her heart out and made her lose a lot of faith in men!"
"I hope you never forget she has a restraining order on you! And if you EVER decide to break it and get anywhere near my sister, you'll have to deal with ME!" Then she slapped him and spit on the ground beside him. "You worthless SCUM! She deserves better than you anyway!" Then she ran off, for fear of him hurting her. But man, that felt SO good! She jumped on her bike and booked it to the Graveyard. There was something there she wanted to see.
She had heard from numerous people about the creepy catacombs located in the Mausoleum basement. She wanted to check them out! When she got there she had to sign a waiver saying she wouldn't sue the Mausoleum if anything happened to her down there and blah blah blah. Yeah whatever, she thought when signing it, I totally GOT this! was VERY dark and the flashlight she was given didn't help much. She heard the strangest noises and kept tripping into old coffins covered in dust and cobwebs. One coffin in particular was slightly opened and she found herself face to face with the scariest skeleton head she had EVER seen! Other things happened down there that she couldn't explain, she was getting covered in some kind of gunk and then all of the sudden a burst of flames shot out in front of her. Screaming she thought, That's it! She ran as fast as she could back to the basement entrance, running into more cobwebs on the way than she would've liked. It was almost 11pm and Molly knew she was going to have to get home fast before the cops found her (and of course before her Dad would lecture her).
Once at home, she reluctantly stepped inside because of how burned and torn up she looked. Once she entered the foyer, Michael walked by heading into the dining room from the living room and said, "I appreciate you making it home at a decent time Molly," then he froze just as he reached the dining room. "Woah...," He said turning back toward Molly. He couldn't believe the sight before him! He then stood before her and asked, "What on earth happened to you?"
Molly sighed and said, "I just ran into a little...something. It's not as bad as it looks."
In concern Michael said, "I'd say it was a BIG something! Where were you?"
"I was at the Mausoleum, exploring the catacombs," she answered but turned and walked passed him because she really didn't want to get lectured by him.
"Hey," Michael called back, "you come back here and let me take a look at you."
"I'm FINE dad!" she said annoyingly, "I just need a shower, but first I'm going to eat something because I am starving!"
She went into the kitchen, grabbed a TV dinner and nuked it up. When it was done she joined Derrick at the table who, for some reason, was eating waffles for dinner. The two sat silently for a time, enjoying their meals.
Then Derrick piped up and asked, "Seriously? What the heck happened to you?"
"Arrrgg!" Molly mumbled in anger, "I'm heading upstairs and getting a shower!"
Derrick chuckled as he watched her leave the room.
A few months passed and it was time for Derrick and Andrea's birthdays! They actually share the same birthday. So first they did a little celebrating for Derrick.
And now he was FINALLY a young adult!
(Someone looks A LOT like his dad! Seriously! I thought with how funny he looked as a teen he would grow up to look just as funny, but nope he grew up well. He's kinda cute ;) I'm gonna get rid of that hideous outfit soon...)
Then they did a little celebrating for Andrea. Tristan even mentioned his imaginary friend "Boinky" was present, but of course everyone shrugged it off.
("Hey, can I enjoy MY cake first!?")
And now Andrea is a teen!
(Nice photo bombing there Tristan...)
While eating cake, Molly and Andrea sat together on the couch and had a nice chat about life. It really felt good to Molly. She missed the closeness they used to share.
After those events it seemed like romance was in the air.
Derrick had just graduated and he had a few talks with Michael about proposing to Jade. Michael couldn't believe his kids were growing up so fast! It was hard to believe he was actually having this conversation with his son, but he said in a loving tone, "She's a wonderful young lady Derrick. If you feel it's the right thing to do, then you have my blessing."
Speaking of the Greenwood's, Tristan had really developed a strong friendship with Emerald, Jade's sister. He would never admit to her or anyone else that he had a little crush on her (except for his imaginary friend).
("That's a pretty outfit you have on Emerald.")
It was nearing time for Prom and honestly, Molly didn't care much about it. If I get asked great, if I don't oh well. It's just Prom! One afternoon after school her friend, Tay Bayless, invited her over to study with him. They had been friends for about a year now and discovered they had many things in common. Molly got the impression that he kind of liked her, but...she couldn't get over those EARS of his!
After they were done studying, Tay said nervously, "You know Molly...I was wondering. Would to go to Prom with me?"
Molly nearly dropped her pencil.
"Umm..." she sat there thinking, "Sure." Goodness I was NOT expecting that! But I can't say No...
Tay's eyes lit up like fireworks as he smiled. "GREAT! I'll keep in touch with you about when I'll pick you up and other stuff like that when the time comes."
Molly chuckled, seeing how difficult it was for him to sit still with excitement. "Sounds good."
How will Prom go for Molly and Tay? And how will Jade react to Derrick's proposal?
Stay tuned! :)
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