Continuation of Chapter 16:
Molly lay crying in Bailey's lap on her bed, while Bailey stroked her hair.
"I don't understand why Tay won't just stand up to his parents?" Molly sobbed.
"Well," Bailey sighed, "from what you told me he said, it sounds like a very complicated situation. He wants to provide for you and the baby which is very mature of him! But at the same time he realizes he can't do that well if he doesn't have a proper education."
Sniffing Molly said, "Of course he can support us without one! Many of my friend's dad's don't have degrees and they are doing just fine."
"Maybe so, but you never know what their financial situation is really like."
"I mean Tay's dad doesn't have an education and they survived raising Tay and his older sister!"
Bailey pursed her lips for a moment after that one. "And look at where they live!" she blurted out. "In the swamp area, in an old, deteriorating house! I'm pretty sure Tay didn't enjoy growing up in that and neither does he want your child growing up like that."
Molly didn't want to admit to her sister that she had a point. She just felt so hurt! Was Tay going to keep seeing her? Would his parents make him break up with her? She began sobbing some more.
Bailey leaned over a little and kissed her head. "It will all work out," she said, "I know it will."
Michael walked over to the girl's bedroom door and peeked his head in. "Everything ok?" he asked them. Molly didn't acknowledge but Bailey nodded and gave a waving gesture signalling him to leave. Michael nodded back and closed the door slightly.
After wiping her nose with the tissue in her hand, Molly said, "I can't believe Tay's parents would act this way about the baby! I mean, who rejects an innocent child, who is their flesh and blood, anyway!?"
"Tay's parents are psycho," Bailey didn't hesitate saying. Molly looked at her for a minute and Bailey continued, "Well they are! For years everyone in town has told stories about the crazy things they would say and do. They are just...odd people. Truth be told when I found out you were going to Prom with Tay I cried in my head, 'oh heaven help us!'"
"Bailey!" Molly nearly shouted, but she did think it was kind of funny.
"I'm sorry," Bailey said, feeling bad, "but I came to find that he really is a good guy. Much different from his family. I could see that he cares a lot about you." She noticed a smile appear on Molly's face and she continued. "He's just in a really tough situation. You gotta try to see it through his eyes." She hesitated the ask this question but..."Have you given anymore thought to giving the baby up for adoption?"
That made Molly remove herself from her sisters lap. Bailey feared Molly was upset for bringing that up, but studying the look on her face she could see that she wasn't. She let out a breath of relief.
"I have," Molly admitted, resting her arms on her knees, "but I just don't know. A big part of me hopes that if I keep it and raise it for a time while Tay gets an education, then he will come back and marry me and we will be a happy family."
Bailey put her arm around her and said, "It would be wonderful if that would happen Molly, but you've got to consider the bigger picture here. You can't stay home and care for the baby when you have to go to school. You'd have to hire a babysitter or take it to daycare. That costs a lot of money!"
"Well, Dad will be here and you and Derrick."
"Molly you can't place that kind of burden on us when we have plans in our lives. Besides haven't you heard dad talking about opening up his practice again once he and Jenni get married? Then he really won't be around! He has to focus on providing for and being there as much as he can for us, Sue and Ken. He's got enough on his plate. You know Derrick and Jade will only live here for a time until they find their own place and I have my job."
Molly lowered her head in sadness. This really s-u-c-k-s, she thought with a tear rolling down her cheek. Quickly, she wiped it away.
"We will help in every way that we can," Bailey continued, " and give all our love to your child, but the bottom line is, this child is YOUR responsibility."
"I know," Molly whispered.
"You should pray about what to do."
"I have," Molly answered, "and if adoption is the best thing for my child than why do I not feel that it's right?"
The two of them stared at each other for a few minutes, being filled with emotion.
Finally Bailey said, "I don't know how to answer that," she sighed, "but follow the feelings of your heart and you will never go wrong."
When Bailey shut the door to their bedroom to give Molly some time with her thoughts, she headed down the hall towards Michael's room. Michael was on his laptop studying the latest medical journals and he looked up seeing Bailey come in. "Hey," he said. "I gotta admit it was pretty nice seeing you two talking to each other about all this." He smiled.
Bailey folded her arms and leaned against the doorway. "Yeah," she began, "it was nice. I just hope I helped her in some way."
"I'm sure you did," Michael said warmly, closing his laptop. "So," he sighed giving her his full attention, "what happened down there with her and Tay?"
Bailey went over, sat on the bed and proceeded to tell him everything.
After she was finished, Michael was irked about the whole situation. To Bailey's surprise he said, "I think I am going to have a talk with Tay's father."
The next day, while everyone was at school or work, Michael headed over to the Bayless home uninvited.
He tried to remind himself to be civil, but man it was hard! Walking through the wet, muddy driveway he approached the front door and knocked. It took a few minutes for Tay's father to answer it. With a surprised look on his face he greeted with, "Dr. Holland?"
Oh that's right! He was a former patient years ago. "Mr. Bayless," Michael answered back.
"You can call me Skeet," he said while chewing something.
"Well, Skeet," Michael began, "I was hoping I could chat with you about our kids?"
Skeet looked at him puzzled and replied, "Sure. Come in."
The two made their way into the living room and neither bothered to sit down. Skeet scratched his head and asked, "Is my Tay being mean to your kid or what?"
Now Michael was confused. Does he not know that I'm... He then cleared his throat. "Uh Mr. Bayless," he said, "I am Molly's father."
Skeet's eyes widened, "YOU'RE her father?"
"That's what I just said."
The look of shock on Skeet's face was immediately replaced with one of belligerence. "I think I have a pretty good idea of why you are here."
Then Michael's face turned stern. "I hope we can discuss their situation in civilized manner."
Needless to say it became a little uncivil. Michael called Skeet and his wife out about acting ridiculously over this whole thing and not wanting to have anything to do with the innocent child. Skeet in return shot back about their cherished family values and that his son will not be with someone who is a w-h-o-r-e. Oh he did NOT just go there, Michael thought in rage.
"You know I find it interesting," Michael said matter of factly, "how you accuse my daughter of being a w-h-o-r-e, who was pretty much raised on the same values that your children were, yet your son made the exact same mistake. They BOTH chose to go against everything they were taught, but you know that's not the argument here! This is about our children's CHILD and what this innocent life deserves. You shouldn't forbid Tay to be a father and not be there to raise his kid. Is that NOT going against those family values you always taught him? Pretty hypocritical if you ask me!"
Skeet grew furious, but Michael knew, deep down, that HE knew Michael was right.
A few more words were exchanged and Michael pleaded with Skeet to allow Tay to stay in contact with Molly and the child and suggested the two get married when they feel the time is right.
"This conversation is OVER!" Skeet said abruptly.
But Michael sure as heck didn't want it to be. "Mr. Bayless, PLEASE, do the right thing here!"
"I said it's over!," Skeet shouted, "now get off my property before I call the cops!"
Michael couldn't believe this. Well, at least I tried, he thought while walking down the front steps and hearing the door slam behind him. That man is as stubborn as a mule! He could really understand Tay's difficulty in getting his parents to think otherwise and he intended to share that with Molly.
3 months went by and there wasn't a single change of heart in Tay's parents. Molly and Tay were able to work things out and he would secretly contact her and visit her whenever he had the chance. As far as them getting married, it was still undecided. The idea of putting the baby up for adoption came up often, especially when they would think about how hurt the child would be not being accepted by it's other grandparents. That's not something easy to discuss with a child. It was all so complicated! Still, Molly couldn't find it in her heart to give up the child. Her baby bump was becoming more and more noticeable and she was growing quite attached to the life inside of her.
Her first trimester had not been an easy one. The morning sickness was pretty terrible and occurred more often than usual, but she had a great OB and the constant care of her father at home.
She was already a month into her second trimester. The morning sickness had subsided and she felt MUCH better! I wish I could stay feeling this great, she would often think, but it's gonna get worse in the 3rd trimester.
Derrick and Jade's wedding was coming up soon and Michael and Jenni's was going to be not long after, but Jenni had some news for Michael. She had volunteered to go overseas, being moved with compassion, to help take care of starving children and help rebuild their homes after a horrible natural disaster. Michael thought that was sweet of her, but he was a little upset she didn't discuss it with him first. "I really felt strongly that I needed to volunteer," she said, "I think God was trying to tell me something. I'm sorry I didn't talk with you about it first. I had to sign up while the missionaries were still there. It's only for 6 months, we will be ok." There wasn't much else Michael could do about it so they spent the last few days together as often as they could before she left. He assured her he would visit Sue and Ken every day...he just didn't look forward to having to see her mother after the "incident."
After working hard for what seemed like eternity, Bailey finally got a promotion and is now a Freelance Writer. Her articles have been printed in a couple of popular magazines and she was loving life!
Andrea still had her nose in books, spent a lot of time at the library and practicing her painting. Her heart would still go aflutter every time she saw Thomas Castor in the halls at school, but she really didn't feel she had a chance with him. Besides, she was more interested in her education and pursing a medical career to even care about boys.
Tristan was doing very well at school. Well enough to make it on the honor roll and his dad was proud. He still continued to converse with his imaginary friend and even managed to get his hands on a potion to make his imaginary friend REAL from his friend's dad who worked at the science facility. He said to Tristan:
Tristan was anxious to try it out and see if it would really happen! He was sick of everyone thinking he was crazy about his imaginary friend. Just the other day he told Molly that "Boinky" was excited about her baby and wanted to meet it.
"Okaaay," Molly said, "whatever you say Tristan." He glared at her and decided that enough was enough. Now that he had his hands on the potion, he presented it to his Imaginary Friend in the privacy of his room.
Boinky was a little hesitant, but drank the potion anyway.
Then suddenly all these lights began flickering around Boinky! Tristan stared in awe.
Within seconds, Boinky came out of the lights as a REAL person!! However it was not a boy like Tristan always imagined. It was a GIRL!
Tristan couldn't believe his eyes! "WOO HOO!" he cried in excitement. Boinky was equally excited but she expressed that she didn't like that name at all! Tristan agreed, not a good name for a girl. "Well, maybe your name can be Belinda?" he asked. Belinda was quite pleased with that name and took it.
Indeed that is what Tristan did! His entire family was shocked and a couple wondered if they were going crazy. Michael wondered if it was just a girl from town posing as Tristan's imaginary friend come to life but, he noticed the doll was gone. Strange, he thought. Tristan and Belinda raced back to his room and laughed and hugged.
"I get the feeling your family will not accept me here," Belinda said to Tristan after they hugged.
"Of course they will!" Tristan said, "this is totally AWESOME!"
"And there really isn't room for me here," Belinda added sadly.
Tristan frowned. After thinking about it he said, "Yeah, I guess there really isn't since you're not a doll anymore."
Belinda placed her hand on Tristan's shoulder. "I'll go and find my own place to live. Don't you worry about me."
"No," Tristan whined, "I'll miss you!"
"I'll miss you too," Belinda said, "but we will see each other at school and we can visit each other on the weekends. We'll always be best friends forever." She smiled at him.
Tristan didn't like that goodbye look in her eye. "Ok," he said unwillingly. Then they hugged each other again and Belinda raced down the stairs. Being surrounded by the once again shocked faces of Tristan's family, she opened the front door and said to them, "I'm going to live in my own home now. It was nice to be a part of your lives over these past few years. See you around!" And with that she closed the door behind her.
Stay tuned!