@AlexaKry hehe, yes, Jamie is a charmer. Surprisingly his bike doesn't make as much noise as I thought it would in the game.
Yes, Jamie is a very good hunter and he knows it! :wink: He has a very different personality from Damien.
Yes, Mary and Damien are both getting vibes from each other. :relaxed: Perhaps the Fates planned it this way? Not to be mean and cruel like she thinks.
Damien actually already had a helmet with his other winter outfit. I wish I could find a better helmet though.
He does look good in black but his favorite color is blue so I dress him in that most of the time.
hehe, he has helmet hair in that picture! I still don't have many of my cc hairs in that folder yet. I'm adding things slowly so I can be more organized about what I have and what I want to keep. He gets ea Ken doll hair until I get my short cc hairs added in that folder. I really prefer cc hair that has a real look to it rather than plastered to the head like poor Ken.
Thanks so much for your comments! :smiley: :heart: