@Docsprock Please don't give up!!! ? We need more of us, and you are actually in a better position than most! I actually had to go the more expensive route (of chasing down old copies off eBay, since half of my install was digital download). I had to, because I had spent so much time on a bunch of WIPs that I had to postpone because of a family passing.
Another thing: I switched over to all discs myself last week and the thing I noticed is that for the first time ever, CAW, EIG and the game loaded super fast, like in the blink of an eye. I think it's because Origin was so bloated that it was completely bogging down the game in resources. If you reinstall everything by disc, trust me--things will load so fast and make worldbuilding so quick you'll be happy you went through all the hassle. This entire stupid, infuriating (and expensive) debacle actually wound up being a blessing in disguise because everything loads so quickly now. (I'm still pretty pissed off about all this, so don't anyone get any ideas.)
My words of advice: pace the installation out for as long as you need (like a few days or even a week), or if you have a very boring rainy Saturday with no place to go or nothing to do, grab some coffee, turn up your favorite music or podcast and install. It's not as bad as all that. I promise you. And remember--you only have to do it one time.
If you go ahead and do it, make sure to do it this way:
1. Install base game, but do not install EADM or Origin.
2. Install Super Patch 1.67.
3. Install in however order you like, but make sure to never, ever click the "update to Origin or EADM" prompt.
4. Choose 1.67 version of CAW.