Forum Discussion

JFective's avatar
7 years ago

Age/aging and university questions.

I'm new with TS3 so excuse me if I ask dumb questions.

I'm planning to start a second save(which will happen in Riverview) where I focus on Don Lothario and his memory lost. I'm going to take Don into university to see if he "gets his memory back" while experiencing university life.
I've done a lot of research about Riverview's premades and I like some of them a lot.

So I have two questions.
First one: If Don goes to Uni will the other Sims in Riverview still age while I'm playing with Don? I would love to continue playing with other Riverview premades once Don is done(pun intended) with uni.

Second one: I play with long life span right now but if I change it to Epic will the premade Sims still be x day from being elder/adult/young adult(x meaning the number of days that their simwiki page says aka when you start the game(if I'm not wrong the x number of days that simwiki uses is on normal life span)). Or does the number of days change to fit to the new aging settings?

Ps. I hope that you guys are able to understand my questions. I have dyslexia & English is my third language.
  • 1 - When the actively being played sim is in Uni (or any world foreign to their homeworld), no one ages anywhere. Oasis Landing (ITF) is kind of a goofy exception. But not in Uni World, nor back home. In fact, the homeworld is in a state of suspended animation. The sims you left behind will be right where they were, doing exactly what they were doing when you return.

    2 - I suspect I know what happens with the varying age spans, but why not start a new game in one of these worlds with the changed age spans (with no intention of saving it) and see what happens to the locals and their ages?

    3 - Your English is fine. :)
  • 1. Sims in the homeworld do not age while playing university. Sims at university do not age while attending. So, Don will not age while at university, and neither will anyone living in Riverview.

    2. If you lengthen the age span, days will be added. If you shorten the age span, days will be removed. The sims' age will not be affected. Example: If the YA stage is 20 days and Don is 10 days from aging to adult and you lengthen the YA age span to 40 days, Don will then be 30 days from aging to adult. If you shorten the YA age span to 15 days, Don will be 5 days from aging to adult. If you shorten the YA span to 5 days, Don should age up around 8-9 pm that sim-day (because in this example he's 5 days over).

    In other words, the number of days a sim has been in their current age span won't be affected. But if you shorten the age span below that, they should age transition as soon as the game gets around to it (which is usually 8-9 pm).
  • Thank you both @igazor & @TreyNutz for your comments. That information will be really handy in the future.
    I love TS3 more everyday :smiley: the fact that Sims don't age while being in uni and that the sims who I leave behind wont age either is just perfect for my game!
    And thank you for explaining me how the age span works :smile: