Forum Discussion

liizzyems's avatar
4 years ago

Blaise Legacy: A Random Legacy Challenge

Today I am starting a new random legacy and I decided I will write about my progress here as I tend to give every heir a story line to match their rolls. Here are the rolls for Gen 1.

Marital Status: Second Chance
This works like Couple, with the added requirement that your sim must have at least two partners/spouses over the course of their generation. Your heir must have at least one child by the first partner/spouse. The first partner/spouse must be moved in and everything. ... At some point after you have had at least one child by the first partner/spouse, that partner/spouse must go, by any means (death, break up, separation, etc.) Your heir must then find another romantic partner to take their place. If you roll for only one child it must be by the first partner. If you roll for more than one you can divide them between the two partners however you like, so long as at least one is from the first partner. If you roll Perfect Careers or Fulfilled as goals, you may choose to reroll, since your partners may not have enough time to reach max careers or fulfill a LTW. But you may keep those rolls if you think you can manage them. If you choose to keep one of those goals, only one partner has to fulfill it, whichever one is in your control for the longest time. You may use a mod to achieve the death of the first partner, if you've chosen to kill them. Note that you should roll separately for each partner in section C.
Number of Children: 2 Children

First Career: Alchemist

Second Career: Mixologist

Third Career: Fortune Teller (Con Artist)

Generational Goal: Hobby, or Obsession?

Pick a "Hobby" for your Sim, based on their traits, or on their character as you see them. The heir (and spouse where applicable) must spend at least 5 Sim hours a week pursuing their hobby. Your Sim must not make money from this hobby. If you use writing, then only use "Practice writing" and not "Write a book".

Miscellaneous Fun: Partier

You must throw at least one party every sim week (Sunday AM to Saturday PM).

Here is the heir.
Name: Sukie Blaise
Occult: Witch
- party animal
- gatherer
- loves the outdoors
- green thumb
- eccentric
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