"jamiehood;c-16313719" wrote:
@igazor So what should I do if the framework isn't working? I downloaded the framework for the millionth time, and moved it to my Sims 3 folder. It seemed to look fine, with the Packages and Overrides folder, Resource.cfg, and both mods that were put in there before all unzipped. But when I play the game, nothing works
I just checked my device config thing, and it does have the last date I opened the game
Okay, that last part is good news. I was worried that you had a second "live" game folder on your Mac someplace that was being read from instead of the intended one in Documents; this does happen sometimes. But we can rule that out now.
What patch level is your game at, please? The entire mod structure as we have been describing it only works on Patches 1.12 and higher (this is the one that came out alongside of Ambitions; if you have that EP and any that came out after it then you are already at a higher and sufficient patch level). And you need to be on a much higher patch level than that to use NRaas mods, but the two sample ones should be fine on 1.12 or higher.
If you are intending to be on Patch 1.67, which is current for the Mac version of the game, I would suggest running EA's SuperPatcher to ensure that your patch level did not become compromised along the way as can happen. It's a huge download but easy to run once you get it; make sure to get the correct version for your region or install type. If it says you are already up to date, make it run anyway.
If still no dice, then I suggest you use your built-in Grab utility to take three screen shots for us:
-- Your TS3 user game folder, showing as much of its contents as possible
-- Your Mods folder, showing its contents in Detail View
-- Your Packages folder, showing its contents in Detail View
Upload them to a third party file hosting service and provide us some links here so we can see how you have things arranged.