Forum Discussion

MadDoctor61's avatar
New Spectator
5 years ago

Favourite NRass Settings

This post is prompted by my old computer literally falling apart (but still works for now) and me buying a new one. On the old computer, I have my NRass settings saved so I can easily import them to new games. I have no clue how to move these exported files to the new computer so I'll be making new ones. While I'm at it, I may add some other settings as well that I hadn't thought about.

PLEASE don't make generic comments about which mods you like (ie. "I like NRass Story Progression because it is much more realistic than EA's), but include the exact steps so other's will easily be able to add the same conditions to their game (ie. I set the Immigration Gauge to 19 to encourage my empty town to fill up."City Hall/NRass/Story Progression/General Options/Options:Lots/Options:Immigration/Emigration/Immigration Gauge/19").
  • On Story Progession make sure to set the stories to custom if you don't want stories consistently appearing in your notifications. I usually only select Enemies, Friends, Blood (these are your sim's relatives that aren't in portraitpanel, Relationships, PortraitPanel, and one that I forgot the name.
    I don't really mess with any other settings. Not yet anyway. I'm still learning.
  • I absolutely could not play without several Nraas mods. I couldn't tell you my settings for all of the mods I use but here are a couple examples.

    Relativity: I set mine at 25 (I think it's around 68% speed). Over the years I have found this to be the perfect setting for the way I play.

    Retuner: I tune out anything that annoys me - and there are many. Some of the settings I use are shown here. Others I have found as I scroll through the various options when looking for ways to get rid of things I don't see the point of.
  • Cororon's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    I have the speed in Relativity set to 19 at the moment, which is about 50%. It's really nice with longer days when you have fun. :smile:

    In Register I have set it so there are less stray animals, and no wild horses and unicorns.

    And yeah, like Mikezumi I've changed many settings in Retuner.
  • In MC, I always change the CAS settings to show items in compact mode, custom at top.
    In Overwatch, I disable neighborhood pet adoption.
    In Traffic, I give a negative value (-500) to traffic delta to get rid of stray vehicles.
    In Register, I disable tourists and paparazzi.