Forum Discussion

mrcsdasilva's avatar
New Traveler
7 years ago

Graduation from High School bug *solved*

Hi, everyone!

I've just had this bug. My sim's second child has become a young adult. They took the day off after his birthday but there was no notice about graduation. It's been a week or so and there's no option to graduate at the City Hall.

So far, he hasn't been giving the diploma (which isn't a bad deal) and he doesn't have the information that he has graduated. That annoys me a little, I'm going to try out whether he can find a job or not.

Is there a fix or a mod that forces sims without a graduation do it? Or will I have to live with it?
  • Are you using NRaas mods at all? NRaas StoryProgression controls the graduation ceremony if that one is in play. Otherwise it sounds like the graduation scenario just misfired.

    If so, sims will lose out on the moodlets like just graduated, proud parent, sibling, valedictorian etc., and possibly any wishes promised relating to those, but that's really about it. It is assumed by the game that all YAs have graduated high school even if they had an F average all along and are eligible to get any Level 1 jobs they want just by going in and applying unless you have mods that make job offers more restrictive. No one ever asks to see their high school diploma, but NRaas DebugEnabler has a command that will produce one for any sim (YA or older) on which it is used.
  • The NRaas mod that controls graduations and proms is the SP Career module. Seems like that one didn't make your list, so you are reliant on the EA way of having scheduled those.

    Should you acquire it, the controls are on NRaas > SP > General Options > Options:Situations > Options:Grads/Proms/Curfew. Even on default settings, it is possible for both a graduation and a prom to be scheduled on the same day (they can each be scheduled on Thurs, Fri, or Sat) but of course at different times as proms are in the evening.

    In the case described, I would imagine that your sim would not be able to go to the prom as those are for teens (were they able to go?) but I don't know why that would interfere with graduations. Teens don't graduate, technically (just aged up) YAs do. I believe the game is supposed to work out who gets pushed to a graduation ceremony on the morning of the event so by that time I think the prom should have been off the schedule for that sim. But it is admittedly possible under EA standard that a scheduling collision happened here.
  • That sounds cool! I used to have the "Career" module, but I found that option to meet all co-workers a little too much and, since I didn't seem to use the other options, I cut it out. It looks like that it may be better to keep it around and just turn off those settings.

    Thanks! :-D
  • Another Update, in case someone googles this issue and finds this thread.

    I totally recommend the module Story Progression Careers.

    Even though I had added an alma mater using Master Controller, when It was a Friday, my sim was invited to attend his graduation. He received all the prizes and everything was great.
  • @thuggishsplicer im having the same problem. ive just downloaded nraas SP and SP career but graduation is still not happening. what exactly did you do for it to work? please help. :(
  • By the way, I've already researched about this issue (for a week) and most threads are from 2012.
  • @igazor As weird as it may sound, I am.

    I have installed: NRaas_Consigner, NRaas_DebugEnabler, NRaas_ErrorTrap, NRaas_GoHere, NRaas_MasterController, NRaas_MasterControllerCheats, NRaas_MasterControllerIntegration, NRaas_Overwatch, NRaas_Register, NRaas_Relativity, NRaas_StoryProgression & NRaas_StoryProgressionPopulation.

    I am considering giving him an "alma mater" (MC) and letting it go. The cerimony is more like a tradition than a necessity.
    Thanks a bunch for your reply! ^^

    EDIT: I happen to recall that there was a prom night on that sim-week and my sim had a birthday before it. In case there is a prom scheduled and a graduation comes up, can it break the cerimony?