"CravenLestat;c-16240813" wrote:
@LuckyKittenCat You can!!!! without cheating,The black dragon from Dragon Valley.Requires owning Dragon Valley world and the Duke of Bows venue together in your game to unlock.After you get a black dragon you can sit all day he summons a free death flower anytime you want.Without Duke Of Bows set you only can get red,green,purple.Having that one unlocks the awesome deadly evil black dragon.
Another way is buydebug sorta cheating...
Then type
Testingcheatsenabled true
Hit enter
Again type
Then type
Buydebug on
Hit enter
In buydebug menu choose the plant spawner tab,buydebug is in buymode will be a question mark
Place as many death flower plants as you want
Reminder: You do not have to play in DV just having those installed in your game works for all worlds as far as unlocking the black dragon
I have dragon valley, but not the other thing.
"TreyNutz;c-16240819" wrote:
Planting a death flower will produce a death flower bush which only produces one death flower after which it dies. If you have a sim with the Green Thumb trait who has the gardening skill at level 6 or higher, they can revive the death flower plant after it produces it's first death flower and the plant will produce one more before dying permanently. The revive interaction has 50% success rate.
The main way to get a bunch of death flowers is to find special seeds and plant them, hoping they'll turn out to be death flower plants. (edit: sims need gardening level 7 to plant special seeds.) If you have the Swift-Gro gardening station from the Store, sims can identify the seeds before planting if their gardening skill is high enough. I find it difficult to see seeds on the ground so I rely on the collection helper LTW to find seeds around town.
Lastly, if you have University Life, sims with Science skill level 9 can clone death flowers at the science station.
edit: I suppose you can find the death flower bushes in buydebug and put them somewhere in town, or on your sim's lot. I once played in a CC world which had 5 or so death flower bushes in the graveyard.
Which reminds me, there's a few death flower bushes in the WA worlds (in tombs). And there's one in the university world at the beach lot, hidden inside a larger bush. I don't know if there is one in Oasis Landing.
THanks! That's very helpful! I didn't know green thumbs could do that.
"Karritz;c-16240835" wrote:
It is one death flower per plant unless your sim has a green thumb and is level 5 or above in gardening.
A sim with the green thumb trait plus level 5 or above in gardening can revive any dead plant - not barren plants. Once a plant is barren it needs to be removed. But any plant that is dead from whatever cause (neglect, zombies etc) can be revived if your sim has the trait and skill to do it.
They say fairies have green thumb by default and therefore it is a waste to give them the green thumb trait but I find my fairies that haven't been given the green thumb trait can not revive death flowers. But they may be able to use other fairy magic to do it - I haven't tried that.
I generally get death flowers by the dozen by planting special seeds. Sometimes the death flower seeds look like death flowers on the ground, mostly they just look like any other seed. But there are a lot of plants that are special so not all special seeds will produce death flowers so you will need to find and plant a lot of them.
Any way fairies could use bloom on death flowers, though?
"CravenLestat;c-16240867" wrote:
Forgot to show you the dragon
Important what he does in bold: Make a deal with darkness by summoning Death Flowers from the very shadows!
Is not cheating it is what he does and also turns sims into zombies when you want and can torment sims by summoning ghosts from the underworld to haunt any lot.
That sounds cool- ugh I wish I had it '^'
Just to be clear, the 'duke of..' whatever it was called was something you had to add onto your game separate from DV? Cause I got the DV pack- so i have dragons, outfits, world, items, etc.