I was first introduced to the Sims (though I didn't buy it) in 1999 when I saw it first on the shelves at our local retailer of prescription drugs and other essentials as well as computer systems. I thought it was a quaint little game based on a unique idea. But I was busy with a real estate deal at the time that I was negotiating for both vendor and purchaser and didn't give a thought to purchasing it. Didn't have time to put that time into playing.
I was first introduced to the the Sims 3 in Jan 2017 during recovery from a near-fatal bout with pneumonia. You soon realize that it's very hard to live if you can't breathe (near total lung congestion the number being given to me by the ER nurse was between 85-90%...on the x-ray and subsequent CAT Scan after being IV'd) Of course, after I get home...I realize that I didn't have anything to do during the course of my recovery and being male and stupid, I whined to my wife...that I needed "something to do..." Finally getting tired of my complaints, she handed me the Sims 3 disc, I think around the 11th of January, 2017 which was far longer than what I thought she'd stand my whining for. Most impressive.
So that was when I started playing Sims 3. Once I started playing, I was hooked...as in full-on 100% addiction. The town of Sunset Valley and its quaint sims...were like an addictive substance (not that I've tried any). I've been hooked ever since and it's now almost 4 years now.
2017 Nikkei_Simmer's sims.
2020 Nikkei_Simmer's sims
So, yeah, my addiction to Sims 3 just increases. :mrgreen: And provided my ticker lasts, I'm hoping to be here for a long time yet.