The old thread was a show and tell step-by-step how to get started with a link to EVERYTHING in the store. It took a lot of time and effort to put it together. Each hyperlink had to be added individually. So, though useful, I'm not sure I feel up to doing that again!
But... basically, you rename your old sims 3 folder in documents and let a new sims 3 folder be created.
You start installing the patterns and Midnight Hollow Gold (if you have it).
Stop when the .ebc file in the dccache folder gets close to 204,800 without going over. (I'm happy with anything over 202,000).
MOVE the ...0.ebc file out to a temp folder on your desktop or somewhere safe.
Install the next world, venue, compiliation, set, item one at a time until you again reach between 202,000 and 204,800 kbs.
RENAME that 0 to the next number up and move that file out to join the others.
Keep going until you finish (however long that takes). ((Using those direct download links or download files you already saved on your computer helps.))
When I move an .ebc file out. I create a folder (on my desktop) with the number of that .ebc. I cut and paste all the dcbackup files (MINUS ccmerged, which always stays) to that folder. Then I cut and paste the files from the downloads folder into that as well. So I have a folder called .ebc where I am copying all my .ebc files. In that folder I have sub-folders numbered 0-25 that have all the download and backup files in them... just in case. YOU will probably never need these. Just save a copy a your Sims 3 folder once you install everything some place safe. Rename it and call it Sims3everything if you like. You should never have to reinstall again.
Also, you might want to add the unlocked and blank stencils for lots of store objects. You'll find almost 600 of them in MrHawk's studio. For YOU, I have made a 30x30 lot with all but 6 of the items here:
For the stencils to be in your preset CASt options, you must click on them as if to recolor them and then choose to save it to the bin. Then make sure it really did save it. (I thought I'd saved my blank coffin preset, but it wasn't showing there. When I said to share it, then it popped in.)
Here are the missing ones that you can add from MrHawk's studio:
(These will go directly into your presets, without you having to do anything but install.)
DrPepper surf board:
DrPepper beach chair:
Vegas wall bunny:
Spanish mirror:
Egyptian road sign 2:
Egyptian road sign 3:
Good luck.