I've started from scratch installing store stuff and have gotten some venues that install as .dbc files before as well. I think because someone makes the venues in their games and then exports them before EA places them in the store. It's weird how sometimes they show one way and other times not. But, maybe just the fact that you previously downloaded them makes the install see them as cc. I bet that's it! Do you save them as soon as you download them and then install them? Now, I have to test this out sometime. If you have a clean vanilla sims 3 folder and DL all the store stuff fresh into a folder; then, install the content, you should see only .ebc files. IF you then create a new vanilla sims 3 folder and install the files into that folder, will there still only be .ebc files? IF you copy the files from the downloads folder after installing them and then install them into a vanilla folder, will there be some confused .dbc files?
I think this is worth investigating. I think the fact that a file was installed already might alter the way the launcher reads it!