8 years ago
How to save recorded sims 3 videos?
Went into my Sims 3 folder > Recorded Videos. I click on one of the videos, it doesn't play, it's all black and a pop up comes up saying "This video was encoded in a format that's not supported." Actually all the videos show up like this. When I click on open with (windows media player) the video does play however, but in no way can I save it. From the sims launcher itself I selected a video and clicked on "upload" but that didn't work - I realized too late it was not to save.
My goal really is to just save a video so I can put it in my email. I don't know why whatever its' encoded with has to make this process so difficult lol?
Thanks for the help, simmers. <3
My goal really is to just save a video so I can put it in my email. I don't know why whatever its' encoded with has to make this process so difficult lol?
Thanks for the help, simmers. <3