Forum Discussion

spankenstein89's avatar
New Adventurer
3 years ago

I think I have a corrupt sim

No, I don't mean she's skimming the take. She seems to be stuck. She's invisible so I can't select her. I tried re-setting by enabling testingcheats and typing: resetsim curley moon but all that does is recharge all her needs except for energy. So she's tired, and upset because she's missing work. She's standing in one location just inside the front door. She isn't moving. All I can see is her thought bubbles. Any interaction I try such as sit or eat or sleep gets instantly canceled. Also, Master Controller isn't working, nor is Story Progression. But for this specific household only. If I change households, all sims are normal and Master Control is working properly. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks for reading.

9 Replies

  • Have you tried moving your sim to another house? As go in neighbourhood view and move them and then enter the new house? It might be a pathing issue. ???‍♂️
  • No I haven't tried that yet. I'll see if I can move her somewhere else. Thank-you.
  • Thanks Gibbs, it was worth a try, but the problems with this household are getting worse. I switched back to it from playing another household, but now half the functionality isn't working. For a starters, the pictures of the sims on the left aren't there. Nor is the picture of the active sim that normally is above the sims lifetime wish. I can't change between household members. None of the sim panels tabs are working either. In the inventory panel the phone isn't visible so I can't move them. In the needs panel, none of the needs are there. It's just blank. None of the green progress icons are visible. So I went into Edit Town, and selected a random household to merge them into, to get them out of that house. However, they took their problems with them, because none of the household pictures are visible in the new place, not even the sim who was originally living there. Also, build and buy mode aren't working either. But it's only with this one household. Everyone else seems fine that I've tried so far.
  • You could try going into Edit town.

    Then evict your sims to the clipboard. The entire household.

    Then save the empty house to the library.

    Then bulldoze the house they were evicted from.

    Then place the house you just saved to the library back on the lot you just bulldozed.

    Then move your sims from the clipboard back into the fresh version of their house.

    Hopefully your sim will be able to move around now. If it’s still invisible make it change clothes. Either click on it and use the menu or tell it to play in the sprinkler or go for a swim. Anything to change clothes as invisible sims are often invisible du to wearing a corrupt outfit.

    Good luck
  • Wow that actually worked! Holy cow! Thanks! My sim is visible and functional again! Thank-you Karritz, I appreciate your help. :)
  • Glad you got it sorted. Replacing the house with a fresh copy was the next step I would’ve suggested.

    Resetting Sims, moving out and back in or moving them out and bulldozing the house and place a fresh copy used to happen more in Sims 2. My frequent glitch was couples getting stuck in double beds. Before the move objects cheat I had to move them out and back in to get them out of the bed.

    It’s something that happens on the lot and something gets stuck. Outfit corruption also happens ??.

    I love the Sims ? when it works but it drives me mad ? when it doesn’t! ?
  • I hear you Gibbs, it can be madding at times. But it's a great game, so I keep with it. Thanks for replying.
  • "spankenstein89;c-18222755" wrote:
    Wow that actually worked! Holy cow! Thanks! My sim is visible and functional again! Thank-you Karritz, I appreciate your help. :)

    I'm glad it worked. I was thinking if that didn't work you might need to save the household to the Library too and then place them fresh from the library. But no need to do that as resetting the house fixed the problem. I think doing a reset lot with Master Controller will do the same thing as what you just did to fix your problem.