5 years agoRising Ace
Lag On New Laptop
I recently bought a new HP laptop because my old Lenovo was literally falling apart. I've dealt with lag in the past and I expect it to some degree. This new computer is better and worse. It freezes up quite often for over two minutes. The old one never did so for that long a time. Sometimes it does so within a few minutes of play time after the last freeze. It runs well in between. Often, I press '1' to make sure it is not paused, the press '0' to pause it, set it aside and watch some TV.
At present I have an overstuffed house with 14 Sims. I've had houses with twice that in the past. I'm playing a custom world called Ebony Strand (it uses some stuff from Ambitions which I don't have). They have a number of collections (fruits and vegs, relics, rocks, insects, fish, books). I know this can add weight to the household. A long time back, before I cut back on gardening, I had a fridge with over 500,000 simoleons worth of produce. The game sped up dramatically when I sold all of that. Now I only plant when I am running low on something. This is not the same feel. Any suggestions?