Forum Discussion

hintomint82's avatar
16 years ago

Library Under the Sands?

I don't want to spoil anything for anyone. I'm in Egypt trying to find the Library Under the Sands as I was asked. So far I've been knocking on houses and can't figure out which one it's under. If you happen to know, I'd appreciate a message being sent to me about it on my Simpage. At this point I'm just wasting my Sim's vacation time trying to track it down.

19 Replies

  • Ok so how do you sneak into a house, I made her a criminal and got to cat burgler and she still freaks out that she can't sneak into a house because her path is blocked. I still get the greyed out "visit the Madbouli" option although I did catch them leaving their house when i first arrived in egypt. Maybe I have to go there first thing. I will try that next. Although the frustration is mounting...
  • This has been my biggest frustration with the whole WA ep. I've tried every workaround that comes to mind. The Madboulis NEVER come home from work at the market.
    The only way I've been able to get into the house at all has been to leave Egypt and return. You get to base camp early enough that the Madboulis haven't left for work, and if you run right over to their house first thing and are already friends with them (I guess)you can do a little exploring underground, but an hour or so later they tell you that it's time for you to leave (because, I assume, they must leave for work), and you get booted out to the front door.
    Another time, I went to Egypt, and nobody lived in that house... so I couldn't befriend the occupants and couldn't get into the house! I'll try again now that I've installed the patches. Hope this gets fixed, it HAS to be a bug.
  • Rawla's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    16 years ago
    Either make friends with someone inside or just be invited inside and chat until they tell you to go home. When they tell you to go home and you exit the home, then you can sneak back inside.

    I've tried both ways and it has worked both times.
  • Well, I guess that I am going to just break down and use the testingcheats code and teleport in or teleport there in the morning when I get there. I give up. :cry:
  • Don't confuse this quest with the "Trapped at home" quest. The houses are near each other so make sure you are at the right one. In the library quest you can either be invited in or sneak in. In the other one, that's the glitched one, they are never home. For that one try the "resetSim" cheat to put one of them in the house. Then see if they will invite you in.
  • ClaireBear2 wrote:
    Click on their head in the relationship panel and pick "invite over." Try it, then maybe they will come over to meet you at their house.

    Genius ClaireBear2 I didn't think of that, I am best friends with both people in the house. I will try that and if that one doesn't work I was actually thinking about going to the edit town mode and moving in another person and seeing if they stay home and let me in, I am going to have to try them both because I really want to pass this adventure. I will not let the game win!! :twisted:

    Stablehand6 wrote:

    Another time, I went to Egypt, and nobody lived in that house... so I couldn't befriend the occupants and couldn't get into the house! I'll try again now that I've installed the patches. Hope this gets fixed, it HAS to be a bug.

    And Stablehand6 I sure hope that this is a bug and not an disgruntled programmer sitting at the EA office gloating over his mad, mad creation of frustration. Although the visual sure is entertaining.

    (Disclaimer: I don't actually think that a disgruntled programmer would do this nor that there are any. As well as the fact that the last part was meant to be funny and relieve some of the frustration that this adventure may cause lol.) :mrgreen:
  • I spent (real) days trying to figure this out. Even the teleport cheat didn't work. I was finally able to get into the house by throwing a party & inviting the household. After the party they went home & I followed them. I hope this helps anyone else who has the same problem.
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