5 years agoRising Scout
New Pc & Sims 3 crashing to desktop
Hi all, I just purchased a new pc. First new one in 11 years. I did a digital install of all my games ( since the pc tower doesn't have a disk drive ). But I am having a problem. The game will load a new town / save. Then a few moments into it, crash to the desktop.
I enabled V-sync for the sims 3 in my nvidia controller.
I set up the options in the game and made sure that it isn't running any fps higher than my monitor can handle.
I downloaded and updated my windows 10 and my graphics card drivers.
I went through and enabled the game to recognize my graphics card. It shows in the device configuration log that it is found and matched.
I am working off a brand new game and all new folders. The new pc wouldn't recognize my store DCCache. So I redownloaded and installed everything. Tha game currently has sims 3 store items installed only. No CC.
I click on new save. Then choose a random town. Then a few minutes into it, crash to desktop.
I have no mods currently installed.
I am running out of things to trouble shoot.
I am a windows 10 newbie. My old pc was a windows 8.1. Anyway, does anyone have any tips or suggestions? I would really like to play my game again. It has been years since I have been able to.
I enabled V-sync for the sims 3 in my nvidia controller.
I set up the options in the game and made sure that it isn't running any fps higher than my monitor can handle.
I downloaded and updated my windows 10 and my graphics card drivers.
I went through and enabled the game to recognize my graphics card. It shows in the device configuration log that it is found and matched.
I am working off a brand new game and all new folders. The new pc wouldn't recognize my store DCCache. So I redownloaded and installed everything. Tha game currently has sims 3 store items installed only. No CC.
I click on new save. Then choose a random town. Then a few minutes into it, crash to desktop.
I have no mods currently installed.
I am running out of things to trouble shoot.
I am a windows 10 newbie. My old pc was a windows 8.1. Anyway, does anyone have any tips or suggestions? I would really like to play my game again. It has been years since I have been able to.