"Sharonia;c-17695181" wrote:
"izecson;c-17694864" wrote:
and you can also use Nrass Master Controller, you can basically interfere without switching to that household, just click on computer or city hall to set up a relationship between sims, what career they should choose, should they get instantly promoted, setup gender preference of sims or randomize all undecided gender preference and whatnot.
though oddly everytime i play a new save in sunset valley with nraas sp, mortimer and bella always ends up marrying each other, and their first child is always female and the second is male, it's random whether they will have another child after that but in my game their third is a twin of male and female.
This is even better. I have no actual interest in playing with them. All I want is to make sure they get together just for my peace of mind. :D
it is one of the essentials mods for TS3 imo and it's much more versatile and solid compared that of a TS4 equivalent of master controller.
my playstyle is similar to you, I do care for the townies but dont want to play the household just to setup some story, thankfully we have nraas sp and mc to support the playstyle.