Forum Discussion

marinacrespo's avatar
10 years ago

Premade families - Teodor and Palmira Medina from Isla Paradiso - What I have done with them - Pics!

These are Teodor and his daughter Palmira when you start a new save in Isla Paradiso.

"Teodor lost his resort plans and his lover, Florita, to Alfonso Alto. Now he struggles as single dad with no reliable income... will Teodor be able to turn his life around and win Florita back, or is it time to look for someone new?" (thesimswiki)

Ever since I've read their back story I've always wanted to play them because I felt really sorry for them :'( And now that day has come! I finally have something to show because I've been playing them.

Both of them are GOURGEOUS! You don't need to change their genetics, I've only changed their clothing and hairstyles (but I do have custom skin):

There. Much better!

Teodor received the oddest offer. The owner of this old resort said he was to old to be running a resort and since the enemy of my enemy is my friend, he wanted Teodor to run his resort and make it a real competion for the Alto's resort.

He went to check it out.

I think Palmira loved it!

Teodor accepted the offer... with one condition, he wouldn't spend his money on it right away, he wanted to make sure first that this old resort could actually be profitable.

Although he wasn't going to spend money on the resort so soon, he decided to sell his horrible house anyway and move to a more family friendly one. His ex-wife Florita was the one who wanted to buy it in the first place. (This house is really bad, there's a toddler in there and EA didn't even place a crib!!)

This is where they moved, theirs is the green one.

The back of the houses.

Finally settled.

Palmira is the cutest thing

Teodor is such a great father to compensate for her whorish mother :s

They never want to get out

Still upset!

She has her own pool.

Teodor left his job as a snack hawker so he could spend more time figuring out how is new resort worked and inquiring the costumers, it was a win win because he could also spend more time with his daughter.
He really liked this woman, Tammie Opali...

I love this interaction with toddlers!

Relaxing in his own resort!

Time for baby Palmira to grow up!

Hope you liked it. Please post your stories with premades as well :p