"Fairy_Happy;c-16984417" wrote:
@igazor: 30, okay that's insanity. But then I saw you play on longer lifespans. I usually only play on Normal lifespans so I mean.. yeah. Longer lifespans could give you more time to get the toddler skills accomplished. Your game sounds completely insane.
Skills, you say? What toddlers? Wait, which household are we talking about? :p
The one sibling with 30 kids did not raise 27 of them, only one was actually ever living in his house as a baby/toddler and his (now ex) partner did all the work except for when their schedules were such that he had to delay going to work in the afternoon for a bit until the other adult came home. Babysitters in highrise apartments can be a pain. The others, the ones who weren't science center clones, were all SEPs (Somebody Else's Problem). He'd meet up with them occasionally to be a nice friendly good dad, chat, give them fatherly advice that I am sure they ignored, play a game of catch, etc., but nothing insane was happening there. The child support bills (NRaas StoryProgression/SP Money module) were not through the roof because most of these offspring live in foreign worlds.
The household I played (still play) "properly" with the 12 kids, and again certainly not all at the same time, had some help there. The grandparents were around to help with the first few before they retired and I sent them off to Starlight Shores (Traveler mod) to enjoy their golden years in peace, with occasional visits. By the time the triplets came along (# 7-9), there were four teens in the house to help take care of them. It was all matter of managing human, I mean sim, resources. And if you want to see my definition of cute, that would be a musically gifted teen playing the guitar for his four much younger siblings all in their cribs with their needs already having been met, with tiny little "relationship plus" signs coming out of their cribs as they enjoyed his music. :)