Forum Discussion

KoariMisuka's avatar
11 years ago

Sims 3 Witch , How to make her learn faster ?

I want my witches to learn more spells . Playing with magic seems to stop working after getting so high . Any other way ? :?
  • I don't know for sure but I think the Lady Rawenclaw's (or whatever) spell book spells train your skill as well. Do not take my word for it though. It is store item so use it if you have it.
  • Hey there @TaikaJamppa! Thanks for joining in and offering some help, but let's please try to stick to actively ongoing conversations. This one is over 4 years old. Thanks. :smiley:
  • The spellcasting duels with other witches helps raise it quite a bit. Witches are SLOW to level. I haven't tried, but if you have university, you could try holding a protest and if it's successful you'll get increased learning (or whatever it's called) and that might or might not help to level the skill faster, too.

    Successful protests help level skills faster, I'm just not sure about the witch skill. But once you get to the mid to high levels, the playing with magic is a slow, painful process to level with.
  • The pink bar below your witches portrait shows how much magic you have left. Once it's empty, you need to wait for it to recharge. There are 10 levels for spells so you need to level up the skill to earn more spells. I think it's a hidden skill but the game will tell you each time you level and what spells you've learned. More details can be found below...
  • If you sim learns the alchemy skill your sim can make the Essence of Magic potion and that will instantly fill up the magic bar. I'm not sure how easy the ingredients are to get though. Witches learn the alchemy skill faster than non-witch sims. With enough of those your sim witch will be able to train longer.

    Using any spell, charm, or curse will train the skill. Probably more than playing with magic. Conjuring apples seems to increase the skill faster to me, for example. I have new witches conjure apple after apple in order to learn the 1st few levels.

    After that your witch should get the ability to use the conversion ritual on collectible items. To train my witches, I set out 5-10 seeds in a row and go down the line and cast that on all of them until the magic bar is depleted. Repeat later in the day or the next day, and keep at it, replacing seeds as necessary. You can use metals, gems, fish, and insects instead (and the conversion ritual will give you metals, gems, insects, & fish. I'm not sure about harvestables.

    Once the witch can magically upgrade objects I use everywhere I can and upgrade things on community lots and around the home. I don't know if the upgrade options depend on handiness level, they might. My sims typically max out the handiness skill before the witch magic skill. Sims can also change upgrades with the magically upgrade option.

    My current male witches in university have upgraded all possible dorm objects in the dorm they live in, all the plumbing to self-cleaning in every male bathroom and locker room in town, kitchen equipment, fireplaces, made all the computers around town unbreakable, etc.

    Once your witch can cast charms, don't hesitate to use those on the sim himself (or herself). Once your witch learn the good luck charm he or she can have the good luck moodlet all the time as long as you remember to cast it.

    The skill is one of the more tedious to train, IMO. I just have to remember to have my sims use it whenever possible.
  • one way that worked for me was, once you're witch reaches level 3 of spellcasting she/he can duel with other sims. i found another sim to duel with and just dueled and dueled and dueld. I used testingcheatsenabled true to keep her magic bar high and i went to level 10 in about 20 minutes! n_n
  • Or if not opposed to using mods, I'd suggest using Treeag's book of talent and max the spellcasting skill and even alchemy in far less time. :)